The reluctantly triumphant return and subsequent cancellation of
The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley Sty-lee!
The last time we heard anything from Berkley Stylee was nearly a year and a half ago, so the "previouslies" have been skipped in the interest of expediency.
(BTW, Those interested can read all those previous episodes by clicking
Except there was this one bit of previouly on
The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley Sty-lee, whereupon there was a continuing non-appearance of Hot Blondes, hot redheads, or even hot brunettes.
And now back to the show...
Network Executive: Frankly, we'd forgotten that we still were producing episodes of your show. Bob was supposed to cancel it, but I think he had that heart attack right before he came to see you. Other Bob should have done it, but he ate 3 dozen Jello shots and passed out. So really, the only reason we're airing your show at all is that we ran out of any other programming, and we don't have the rights for
Everybody Loves Raymond reruns.
Me: Yeah, I kind of wondered. Seems like I never could find where my show was on the schedule. I just kind of thought my TiVo™-like DVR was acting up.
Network Executive: Yeah, well sorry about that. So seeing as how The O.C. has ended, we're thinking that your show's popularity has had a similar decline. Do you have any juicy storylines? Sweeps just ended, so we sort of blew our wad with all the various pregnancies, drug overdoses, murders, births, lesbian affairs, beastiality and basket-weaving plots.
Me: Well, we had this poker game the other night.
Network Executive: Naw, they just did that the other night on Desperate Housewives. Really, what could Ian have had in his hand that would beat Mike's full house?
Me: Well, there was also Hot Pot. Austin, Beckie and I went to his parent's house for Chinese New Year. There was bowing and stuff.
Network Executive: That's great. The promo guys can put ads on that say "
The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley Stylee returns. More Hot! More Pot!"
Me: That's completely missleading.
Network Executive: Kid, that's the just how it works. Now lets see if we can make a sow ear into a glass of spilt milk.
Me: Holy mixed metaphors!
Stay tuned for the possibility of more episodes of
The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley Stylee where there may be additional silliness, occasional zaniness and possibly more hot lesbian action. But probably not.