For Beckie:
1. If you weren't going to be a lawyer, what career would you want?
2. What are your plans for the summer?
3. Which TV character would you like to have lunch with and why?
4. Why did "Playroom" suck so hard?
5. Do you believe in soulmates?
For Jessica:
1. Will you style of parenting be influenced by how you see your little sister being raised? And in what way?
2. Does size matter? Or is it only part of, ahem, getting the job done?
3. What plans do you have for summer, other than your class(es)?
4. Do you think Catholicism should be reformed and modernized?
5. What TV star would you want to have lunch with and why?
For Coronado
1. Why did you join a fraternity?
2. What TV show would you like to take over and run and why?
3. Do you have any theories about Life, the Universe and Everything?
4. Do you think that your ethnicity has helped or hurt you in any way?
5. What is your single favorite song and what does it mean to you?
For Ryan:
1. Do you think that there are too many lawyers and that is leading to unnecessary litigation?
2. I recently read "The King of Torts" by John Grisham. What are your feelings on class action lawsuits and how little defendants receive when these cases are settled?
3. Other than your road trip, what else do you plan to do this summer? Get a job?
4. What are you most excited to see on your trip?
5. Do you think that "Will and Grace" should be canceled? Why?
Whew. OK, that should keep you occupied. Any clarifications, or if I missed you, leave a comment.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Meme to the M to the E-M-Me!
1. Do you believe in God (and/or etc.) and why?
I am an agnostic. I do kind of believe that there might be a God/omniscient being, but having not seen overt proof, my pragmatic side sees that as proof that there is no God. I do have a fairly strong belief in fate though. I was raised Christian, but we stopped going to church when we moved to Michigan, because in North Carolina you were almost expected to go to church. Plus it gave my mom something to do, i.e. hanging out with the church ladies. The South is odd like that. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't necessarily believe in the Christian God, but yes I believe in a God-like construct. I do like the following argument about the existence of God.
From The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
"The Babel fish," said The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy quietly, "is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy not from its carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
"Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
"The argument goes something like this: `I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, `for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'
"`But,' says Man, `The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'
"`Oh dear,' says God, `I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanished in a puff of logic.
"`Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
"Most leading theologians claim that this argument is a load of dingo's kidneys, but that didn't stop Oolon Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
"Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation."
2. What do you, without realizing it, find yourself thinking about most often as you fall asleep?
It's strange, or maybe not, but oftentimes I still find myself thinking about Caitlin. I still miss her. Oh, why didn't you ask who influenced me, because she would be one of those people. It seems like all the time there are things that happen in my life, or objects or movies, songs, so many things that remind me of her.
Of course that also can lead into one of my other "Deep Thought" topics, my past relationships and my failures in them.
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Well, I think I would love to live in Hawaii. Specifically on Maui. It's where my dad was born, and when we visited a couple years back, I remember thinking that it felt like home. I love the weather, the atmosphere, the ocean, the laid-back attitude. I know my parents have discussed retiring there. I don't think it will happen, but it definitely has a pull on my dad. My uncle too, he ended up buying a place there and moving from LA. I know it's kind of cliche, but Hawaii is a paradise on Earth.
4. If you could instantly learn anything (like in the Matrix), what would it be?
I think I would like to learn how to cook like a gourmet chef, and also Kung Fu or Karate. I'd be an Iron Fist Chef. I'd also like to learn to play guitar really well.
5. If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your life?
I'd like to think I'd be very altruistic, but I think I'd mostly spend the money on myself, family and friends. I'd probably travel a lot. I'd like buy property, 'cause property is always a good investment. I'd buy a private island. I'd start fishing again, fly kites, play guitar, start internet companies, start a film and television production company and fund really good sci-fi and offbeat comedy movies and shows. I don't know if I'd work, but I'd probably find some kind of creative outlet. Like designing stuff. Especially mechanical or electronic gadgets. I have a lot of ideas, but no knowledge of how to implement them. So, I'd hire a team of engi-nerds to breath life to my visions. I'd be like Steve Jobs, only slightly less megalomaniacal.
Questions courtesy of Dan
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
*Don't forget to include the rules at the end of your post.
I am an agnostic. I do kind of believe that there might be a God/omniscient being, but having not seen overt proof, my pragmatic side sees that as proof that there is no God. I do have a fairly strong belief in fate though. I was raised Christian, but we stopped going to church when we moved to Michigan, because in North Carolina you were almost expected to go to church. Plus it gave my mom something to do, i.e. hanging out with the church ladies. The South is odd like that. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't necessarily believe in the Christian God, but yes I believe in a God-like construct. I do like the following argument about the existence of God.
From The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
"The Babel fish," said The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy quietly, "is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy not from its carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
"Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
"The argument goes something like this: `I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, `for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'
"`But,' says Man, `The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'
"`Oh dear,' says God, `I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanished in a puff of logic.
"`Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
"Most leading theologians claim that this argument is a load of dingo's kidneys, but that didn't stop Oolon Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
"Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation."
2. What do you, without realizing it, find yourself thinking about most often as you fall asleep?
It's strange, or maybe not, but oftentimes I still find myself thinking about Caitlin. I still miss her. Oh, why didn't you ask who influenced me, because she would be one of those people. It seems like all the time there are things that happen in my life, or objects or movies, songs, so many things that remind me of her.
Of course that also can lead into one of my other "Deep Thought" topics, my past relationships and my failures in them.
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Well, I think I would love to live in Hawaii. Specifically on Maui. It's where my dad was born, and when we visited a couple years back, I remember thinking that it felt like home. I love the weather, the atmosphere, the ocean, the laid-back attitude. I know my parents have discussed retiring there. I don't think it will happen, but it definitely has a pull on my dad. My uncle too, he ended up buying a place there and moving from LA. I know it's kind of cliche, but Hawaii is a paradise on Earth.
4. If you could instantly learn anything (like in the Matrix), what would it be?
I think I would like to learn how to cook like a gourmet chef, and also Kung Fu or Karate. I'd be an Iron Fist Chef. I'd also like to learn to play guitar really well.
5. If you were independently wealthy, what would you do with your life?
I'd like to think I'd be very altruistic, but I think I'd mostly spend the money on myself, family and friends. I'd probably travel a lot. I'd like buy property, 'cause property is always a good investment. I'd buy a private island. I'd start fishing again, fly kites, play guitar, start internet companies, start a film and television production company and fund really good sci-fi and offbeat comedy movies and shows. I don't know if I'd work, but I'd probably find some kind of creative outlet. Like designing stuff. Especially mechanical or electronic gadgets. I have a lot of ideas, but no knowledge of how to implement them. So, I'd hire a team of engi-nerds to breath life to my visions. I'd be like Steve Jobs, only slightly less megalomaniacal.
Questions courtesy of Dan
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
*Don't forget to include the rules at the end of your post.
So, very interesting.
Your brain: 40% interpersonal, 220% visual, 20% verbal, and 120% mathematical! |
Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 100% means you use it less. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers. Matching Summary: Each of us has different tastes. Still, I offer the following advice, which I think is obvious:
Link: The 4-Variable IQ Test written by chriscoyne on Ok Cupid |
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Linky to article.
I decided to put up a link to today's article from Mark Morford, because he's written, what I think is, a very interesting take on music, and religion, and while maybe his and Jesus's taste run in much the same vein, it's still something to ponder. WWJLT?
What's On Jesus' iPod?
Protest anthems, Zeppelin, gospel, classical and, of course, Nine Inch Nails. And, yes, Jesus does P2P
What's On Jesus' iPod?
Protest anthems, Zeppelin, gospel, classical and, of course, Nine Inch Nails. And, yes, Jesus does P2P
Monday, April 25, 2005
Vulnerable exhaust ports? Never thought of it.
Here's my results for that Star Wars Personality Quiz. Pretty much falls in line with every other personality quiz I've taken. I think I'm pretty stable when it comes to these things.
Click to see my Star Wars Personality!!
Click to see my Star Wars Personality!!
This is me expounding
I came across this post on Laws that don't have names from TWOP, and thought I'd throw a few of my own out there.
Kawamoto's Unified Theorem of Men and Women:
Women are evil. Men are stupid.
I firmly believe that this explains all interactions between men and women.
Kawamoto's Inverse Proportionality Rule for Asian Food Restaurants:
The quality of food is inversely proportional to the fanciness of the decor.
The hole-in-the-wall places are usually the best. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but that's only as you approach the limit for food quality, for a few very fine cuisine restaurants.
Kawamoto's Unified Theorem of Men and Women:
Women are evil. Men are stupid.
I firmly believe that this explains all interactions between men and women.
Kawamoto's Inverse Proportionality Rule for Asian Food Restaurants:
The quality of food is inversely proportional to the fanciness of the decor.
The hole-in-the-wall places are usually the best. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but that's only as you approach the limit for food quality, for a few very fine cuisine restaurants.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Hello. My name is Arvin Clone.
Wow. There've been a lot of clone/lookalikes around recently. Last night Dan, Austin and I went to see Catalog Only at the Magic Stick (not the Magic Bag) and they were awesome as usual. Jordan was apparently rather ill, but still managed to rock out. The other bands sucked for the most part. Disappointingly, Catalog Only did not win. The band that ended up going on to the next round was this 311-clone that must have had their entire high school show up to represent them. Seriously, there were like a hundred 16 year-olds all going crazy for this band. I thought they were derivative. Jordan still holds out hope that they'll get one of the 4 runner up slots for the next round.
Oh. Back to clone/doppelgangers. I was all emo-ed up last night, sporting the "t-shirt over the button-down" look, and there was this guy at the show that came over to me that look quite a bit like me, especially in the wardrobe and asian departments. His name I believe was Victor. He was sort of the more asian/phillipino version of me. Odd. Also there was a girl there that looked like Beckie, but wasn't Beckie. She was smoking and drinking beer. But if you saw Alias, you know how the Sloane impersonator looked like Sloane, but not quite, that's how this girl was in relation to Beckie. Also odd. I didn't see anyone else that looked like anyone else we know though.
I am the Diet Coke of funny. Just one calorie. Not quite funny enough.
Oh. Back to clone/doppelgangers. I was all emo-ed up last night, sporting the "t-shirt over the button-down" look, and there was this guy at the show that came over to me that look quite a bit like me, especially in the wardrobe and asian departments. His name I believe was Victor. He was sort of the more asian/phillipino version of me. Odd. Also there was a girl there that looked like Beckie, but wasn't Beckie. She was smoking and drinking beer. But if you saw Alias, you know how the Sloane impersonator looked like Sloane, but not quite, that's how this girl was in relation to Beckie. Also odd. I didn't see anyone else that looked like anyone else we know though.
I am the Diet Coke of funny. Just one calorie. Not quite funny enough.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Now With 50% Less Lesbians
The triumphant return of The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley-sty-lee
*Bumpa-dinkdink, bumpa-dinkdink*
Me: Where’s that music coming from?
Me: I see what looks like a studio audience in my front yard. Wait. Why am I narrating this? Shouldn’t there be like, a narrator to describe what’s going on for those who can’t see it.
Narrator/Announcer: Sorry. I was in the bathroom, and then I splashed water on my pants, and then in the process of drying my pants, there was a “thermal event” and yada, yada, yada, I’m going to have to go to Target after this to get new pants.
Me: Wow. That’s odd. That still doesn’t explain the live studio audience on my lawn. Ah! They’re crushing the hostas!
Narrator/Announcer: Little did Mike realize, but the Ellen Degeneres show was being filmed on his front lawn this morning.
Me: [Sarcastically] Well, thanks for telling me that.
N/A: No problem. [Lowering voice according to the National Code of Announcers and DJs] Now let’s welcome Ellen Degeneres!
Me: This is weird. I’ve never even watched the show, although Deadboy Dan has described it to me. Cool. There’s Ellen dancing. And she’s dancing with the crowd now. Hey! Narrator guy! Do your job!
N/A: [Distractedly] Oh, oops, sorry. Mike watched the spectacle unfold. Ellen then began to motion for Mike to come over to her.
Me: Me? [Pointing at myself]
N/A: Ellen continues to motion Mike over towards her. Mike halfheartedly dances over.
Me: Hey! That was more that halfhearted! Maybe three quarters.
N/A: The audience began to tire of the lack of plot/humor in this episode.
Me: Hey, I’m getting to it. Hi, Ellen. What are you doing here?
Ellen: Well, I know you wanted Portia de Rossi, but I’m going to have to do for “Hot Blondes” today.
Me: Wow, that’s crazy. I didn’t even know she was lesbian and that she was dating you until I heard about her getting that tattoo removed when I was listening to the radio this morning. Lesbians are cool.
Ellen: Thanks. I think they’re cool too. So you’ve never watched the show.
Me: Well, I’m always at work when it’s on…
Ellen: Don’t you have TiVo™?
Me: Well it’s not exactly TiVo™. It’s TiVo™ like… wow, that’s cool, Every time I say TiVo™ it puts that little TM symbol next to it.
Ellen: Of course. Do you think we want to get sued?
Me: Oh, that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is why your whole show is on my lawn.
Ellen: Well, this way you get to see an episode.
Me: Ah. Alrighty then. Who’s the special guest?
Ellen: Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Me: *faints*
N/A: Mike woke up several hours later. The Ellen show was gone and his hostas and daffodils were severely trampled.
Me: What are you still doing here?
N/A: Mike glared sharply at the well appointed Narrator, who despite the fact that he wasn’t wearing pants, could still be called a snappy dresser.
Me: Go!
N/A: Mike should have been pleased that even though he was passed out, Sarah Michelle Gellar had still felt pity for him and kissed him on the cheek.
Me: Whooohooo!
N/A: Join us next week when more “Hot Blondes” do not show up!
Me: Bummer.
*Bumpa-dinkdink, bumpa-dinkdink*
Me: Where’s that music coming from?
Me: I see what looks like a studio audience in my front yard. Wait. Why am I narrating this? Shouldn’t there be like, a narrator to describe what’s going on for those who can’t see it.
Narrator/Announcer: Sorry. I was in the bathroom, and then I splashed water on my pants, and then in the process of drying my pants, there was a “thermal event” and yada, yada, yada, I’m going to have to go to Target after this to get new pants.
Me: Wow. That’s odd. That still doesn’t explain the live studio audience on my lawn. Ah! They’re crushing the hostas!
Narrator/Announcer: Little did Mike realize, but the Ellen Degeneres show was being filmed on his front lawn this morning.
Me: [Sarcastically] Well, thanks for telling me that.
N/A: No problem. [Lowering voice according to the National Code of Announcers and DJs] Now let’s welcome Ellen Degeneres!
Me: This is weird. I’ve never even watched the show, although Deadboy Dan has described it to me. Cool. There’s Ellen dancing. And she’s dancing with the crowd now. Hey! Narrator guy! Do your job!
N/A: [Distractedly] Oh, oops, sorry. Mike watched the spectacle unfold. Ellen then began to motion for Mike to come over to her.
Me: Me? [Pointing at myself]
N/A: Ellen continues to motion Mike over towards her. Mike halfheartedly dances over.
Me: Hey! That was more that halfhearted! Maybe three quarters.
N/A: The audience began to tire of the lack of plot/humor in this episode.
Me: Hey, I’m getting to it. Hi, Ellen. What are you doing here?
Ellen: Well, I know you wanted Portia de Rossi, but I’m going to have to do for “Hot Blondes” today.
Me: Wow, that’s crazy. I didn’t even know she was lesbian and that she was dating you until I heard about her getting that tattoo removed when I was listening to the radio this morning. Lesbians are cool.
Ellen: Thanks. I think they’re cool too. So you’ve never watched the show.
Me: Well, I’m always at work when it’s on…
Ellen: Don’t you have TiVo™?
Me: Well it’s not exactly TiVo™. It’s TiVo™ like… wow, that’s cool, Every time I say TiVo™ it puts that little TM symbol next to it.
Ellen: Of course. Do you think we want to get sued?
Me: Oh, that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is why your whole show is on my lawn.
Ellen: Well, this way you get to see an episode.
Me: Ah. Alrighty then. Who’s the special guest?
Ellen: Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Me: *faints*
N/A: Mike woke up several hours later. The Ellen show was gone and his hostas and daffodils were severely trampled.
Me: What are you still doing here?
N/A: Mike glared sharply at the well appointed Narrator, who despite the fact that he wasn’t wearing pants, could still be called a snappy dresser.
Me: Go!
N/A: Mike should have been pleased that even though he was passed out, Sarah Michelle Gellar had still felt pity for him and kissed him on the cheek.
Me: Whooohooo!
N/A: Join us next week when more “Hot Blondes” do not show up!
Me: Bummer.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Just a few words about the weekend.
I thought I'd weigh in on Marissa's party this weekend. It was, um, interesting. I had a decent time, although I think I've somewhat outgrown a lot of what was going on. I did totally school those 2 guys I was playing "Circle of Death" with, though, especially with the categories. The interpretive dance routine was also pretty funny. What a bunch of lightweights. It was also kind of funny running into some of Putte's employees. And that they have much the same impressions of him that we do.
Howdy y'all!
Your Linguistic Profile: |
65% General American English |
15% Yankee |
10% Upper Midwestern |
5% Dixie |
5% Midwestern |
I guess the touch of Dixie is from my 4 years I lived in Nor' Carah-lina.
Monday, April 18, 2005
I'm so the basis of all known life forms on earth.
C...Carbon You scored 30 Mass, 29 Electronegativity, 51 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity! |
Nobody understands you... no, not even organic chemists. The social individualist. You like your attention... but not TOO MUCH attention. You are able to form incredibly close relationships with many individuals, but you don't really get along with preexisting groups. You value equality in relationships, and don't deal well with overly submissive or demanding people. Well, whatever... thanks for making life possible... oh, and cut the global warming out. |
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on OkCupid Free Online Dating |
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
New Music Notations of Note
So there's always new music that I'm interested in. I guess that's why I like XM so much, because it's somewhat free-er from all the payola and Clear Channel playist crap. Anyways, I'm just gonna list a couple of bands I want to check out or think you should check out.
- Kaiser Chiefs
- The Arcade Fire
- The Dears
- Stars
- Doves (the new one)
- Razorlight
- Pinback
- The Bravery
- Queens of the Stone Age
- Go Home Productions Mashups
- Louis XIV
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
And now the return of The O.C.: Oakland County Berkley-sty-lee.
Many days later.
Tina Fey: Lisa, I think since Sweeps is over we no longer need to be lesbians.
Lisa Loeb: I agree. Our lesbianism was purely a ratings ploy. Let’s get back to our husbands.
TF: Wait, let’s swap glasses and husbands.
LL: They’ll never know the difference.
TF: Awesome.
Me: Does this mean I can take off the wig?
TF: Yeah, I guess so. Let’s get out of here.
Tina Fey and Lisa Loeb exit after switching glasses.
I stand there, confused and lonely, and yet still strangely turned on. I finally get to lie in my own bed and fall asleep.
*Ding dong*
Me: Who’s knocking on the door at 2 in the morning?
I go to the front door, and upon opening it see Rachel Bilson and what looks like the corpse of Mischa Barton standing there.
Me: Summer! Marissa! From the hit Fox show, The O.C.!
I lean over to Rachel and whisper in her ear.
Me: Is Mischa dead? There’ve been a few re-animated corpses wandering around recently.
RB: [surprised] Oh, Coop? She’s not dead, she just doesn’t eat anything.
MB: Mmmmrrrphhh. *whine*
RB: Don’t worry, Coop. He won’t try to feed you.
Me: Is that really healthy?
RB: She’s fine. The corpse look is in this year. Right?
MB: Errrgghuuuhhhh. *pout*
Me: What- [long pause for effect] -ever. So, what are you doing here anyway?
RB: Mischa heard there was hot Sweeps lesbian action going on over here.
MB: [excitedly] Agggrrrrmmmhhhh!
Me: Oh, Tina and Lisa left a couple hours ago. Didn’t you know Sweeps was over?
MB: [dejectedly] Urggghhhhmmm. *pout*
Me: So, Rachel, I hear you’re into guys that like comic books? Do you want to see my collection? I have an issue of “The Dazzler” and a couple of graphic novels.
RB: Meh.
Me: Oh, OK. So, do either of you have a strange addiction to deep frying things?
RB: No. You, Coop?
MB: *shaking head almost imperceptibly* Mmmgghhuuuhh.
Me: Alrighty then. Do you want to come in for a bit?
RB: Nah, I think we’re gonna take off. We don’t have to do anything interesting until Sweeps again in May. So, basically, I think Mischa is going to take lots of painkillers and drink a couple of fifths of tequila, and I’m going to beat up on Adam Brody. Maybe I’ll try the lesbian thing in May. It’s the in thing to do. Maybe we can get Paris Hilton to guest star. She’s a huge slut.
Me: That’d be cool.
MB: Guuurgggghhhmmm! *whine*
RB: Alright, Coop. Let’s go.
Me: Bye!
Many days later.
Tina Fey: Lisa, I think since Sweeps is over we no longer need to be lesbians.
Lisa Loeb: I agree. Our lesbianism was purely a ratings ploy. Let’s get back to our husbands.
TF: Wait, let’s swap glasses and husbands.
LL: They’ll never know the difference.
TF: Awesome.
Me: Does this mean I can take off the wig?
TF: Yeah, I guess so. Let’s get out of here.
Tina Fey and Lisa Loeb exit after switching glasses.
I stand there, confused and lonely, and yet still strangely turned on. I finally get to lie in my own bed and fall asleep.
*Ding dong*
Me: Who’s knocking on the door at 2 in the morning?
I go to the front door, and upon opening it see Rachel Bilson and what looks like the corpse of Mischa Barton standing there.
Me: Summer! Marissa! From the hit Fox show, The O.C.!
I lean over to Rachel and whisper in her ear.
Me: Is Mischa dead? There’ve been a few re-animated corpses wandering around recently.
RB: [surprised] Oh, Coop? She’s not dead, she just doesn’t eat anything.
MB: Mmmmrrrphhh. *whine*
RB: Don’t worry, Coop. He won’t try to feed you.
Me: Is that really healthy?
RB: She’s fine. The corpse look is in this year. Right?
MB: Errrgghuuuhhhh. *pout*
Me: What- [long pause for effect] -ever. So, what are you doing here anyway?
RB: Mischa heard there was hot Sweeps lesbian action going on over here.
MB: [excitedly] Agggrrrrmmmhhhh!
Me: Oh, Tina and Lisa left a couple hours ago. Didn’t you know Sweeps was over?
MB: [dejectedly] Urggghhhhmmm. *pout*
Me: So, Rachel, I hear you’re into guys that like comic books? Do you want to see my collection? I have an issue of “The Dazzler” and a couple of graphic novels.
RB: Meh.
Me: Oh, OK. So, do either of you have a strange addiction to deep frying things?
RB: No. You, Coop?
MB: *shaking head almost imperceptibly* Mmmgghhuuuhh.
Me: Alrighty then. Do you want to come in for a bit?
RB: Nah, I think we’re gonna take off. We don’t have to do anything interesting until Sweeps again in May. So, basically, I think Mischa is going to take lots of painkillers and drink a couple of fifths of tequila, and I’m going to beat up on Adam Brody. Maybe I’ll try the lesbian thing in May. It’s the in thing to do. Maybe we can get Paris Hilton to guest star. She’s a huge slut.
Me: That’d be cool.
MB: Guuurgggghhhmmm! *whine*
RB: Alright, Coop. Let’s go.
Me: Bye!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Britney Spears is pregnant!
And the worst part is, I don't know why I care. Achh. Stupid pop culture.
Fractured feelings, tattered pieces
Lately, well, not even that, but within the last year or so, it seems like the TNOF group has sort of drifted apart. I know and understand that people are in school or married or whatnot, but even so, it seems like the only people I see anymore with any regularity are Dan and Chris. I'm not even really sure why I'm surprised, but it just kind of sucks.
Monday, April 11, 2005
From the Computer Geek calendar
Computer Geek Quote
Mac users swear by their computers.
PC users swear at their computers.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Well, last night, Dan, Austin and I went to see the record release party for Thunderbirds Are Now! It was down at the Magic Stick. The Recital opened, and Rescue and The Holy Fire also played.
I thought The Recital was really good, I haven't seen them in a while and I think they've gotten a lot stronger as a group, and I don't think it's intentional, but the singer, Chris O. looks a little like circa '94 Thom Yorke, and the guitarist looks a little like Jonny Greenwood (also of Radiohead). But they were tight, and the singing was much better than I remember. Of course I saw them first about 4 years ago at the Stick, but also when they played a house in Ann Arbor. I think both those times they were opening for Red Shirt Brigade, who are now defunct, but several of whose members are in Thunderbirds Are Now!
Rescue was also pretty good, I hadn't seen them before, but their last song was awesome. The Holy Fire was decent, but I got their promo CD so I'll take a listen to that and see if it grows on me.
And as always, TAN! kicked some ass. They were their typical manic selves, just a total freak-out, but in a good way. Rockin'!
Overall Grade: A-
The Holy Fire was the only weak point. And it would have been an A+ if the Paincakes had made an appearance.
BTW, I really like that they serve the Beast at the Stick now. And it's only 2 bucks a can. Awesome.
-The Geek.
I thought The Recital was really good, I haven't seen them in a while and I think they've gotten a lot stronger as a group, and I don't think it's intentional, but the singer, Chris O. looks a little like circa '94 Thom Yorke, and the guitarist looks a little like Jonny Greenwood (also of Radiohead). But they were tight, and the singing was much better than I remember. Of course I saw them first about 4 years ago at the Stick, but also when they played a house in Ann Arbor. I think both those times they were opening for Red Shirt Brigade, who are now defunct, but several of whose members are in Thunderbirds Are Now!
Rescue was also pretty good, I hadn't seen them before, but their last song was awesome. The Holy Fire was decent, but I got their promo CD so I'll take a listen to that and see if it grows on me.
And as always, TAN! kicked some ass. They were their typical manic selves, just a total freak-out, but in a good way. Rockin'!
Overall Grade: A-
The Holy Fire was the only weak point. And it would have been an A+ if the Paincakes had made an appearance.
BTW, I really like that they serve the Beast at the Stick now. And it's only 2 bucks a can. Awesome.
-The Geek.
I *heart* "I Love the..."
I've been catching up on "I Love the 90's: Part Deux." It's hee-larious. Ok, that's it for this post.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Monday, Monday, so good to me.
I stayed up way to late Sunday night reading this Partricia Cornwall book my mom gave me. I got to a certain point and "needed" to finish, thus leading to me going to sleep at ~5 am. Needless to say, I was very tired at work the next day.
After work,I went to Sam's Club and picked up some food, steaks and cereal and yogurt and stuff.
Since Spring is finally here, I pulled my grill out of the garage and had the first barbeque of the season. Mmmm... steak-alicious.
Then, at about 9, Coronado calls, asking if I want to go see Sin City.
It was awesome. It is literally like the pages were taken out of a comic book and put on screen. So pulp-y. So hard-boiled. So stylisticly awesomely awesome-ness. Coronado has a very enthusiastic review on his blog. As for me, as I'm neither a film critic or film student, but as a film fan, I say, it's really good.
Grade: A
After work,I went to Sam's Club and picked up some food, steaks and cereal and yogurt and stuff.
Since Spring is finally here, I pulled my grill out of the garage and had the first barbeque of the season. Mmmm... steak-alicious.
Then, at about 9, Coronado calls, asking if I want to go see Sin City.
It was awesome. It is literally like the pages were taken out of a comic book and put on screen. So pulp-y. So hard-boiled. So stylisticly awesomely awesome-ness. Coronado has a very enthusiastic review on his blog. As for me, as I'm neither a film critic or film student, but as a film fan, I say, it's really good.
Grade: A
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Viva el fin de semana
So, this weekend was pretty lo-key. Friday night I watched a couple movies. I watched Taxi which I borrowed from a co-worker. It was ok, decently funny. What I found was more interesting was the fact it was based on a movie written and directed by Luc Besson. Which ties into the other movie I watched, The Karate Kid, written by Robert Mark Kamen, who also wrote The Fifth Element also directed by Luc Besson. Weird.
Back to Karate Kid, it was a total flashback. It was always one of my favorite movies growing up. We had a tape with Karate Kid and Back to the Future on it and I think I watched both of those so many times. What was weird about KK, is that it didn't have the ending I remembered. On the tape we had, KK didn't end until the confrontation outside the tournament, and on the DVD it ended right after Daniel-san won the tournament. Notstalgia-tastic!
Also, daylight savings snuck up on me this year. I guess it does every year, but I still have clocks I have to reset, like the one in my car. Plus I have to buy gas tomorrow. That's gonna suck. Having a high performance car does have it's downside, being having to put in premium. I think I saw it was $2.49/gal now.
Oh, yeah. Saturday night. We went over to John and Julie's 'cause Dan was dogsitting. We watched The Animatrix and Napolean Dynamite on the projector. Awesome. The Animatrix had a couple of very cool segments. I really liked the haunted house one, and the history of the fall of humanity was pretty cool also.
Tonight I'm watching Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. earlier I went to dinner with my parents. We went to Sila, an italian restaurant just down 12 Mile a couple blocks from me. It was really good. I had manicotti and my mom had this chicken and spinach lasagna that looked really good. She gave me the leftover piece, so, I'll get to try it. My dad had mostaccoli with sausage. That also looked good. It was pretty reasonabley priced too.
Sidenote. On Grey's Anatomy they had a Tegan and Sarah song.
Hm. Anything else. No? Ok, that is all.
-The Geek
Back to Karate Kid, it was a total flashback. It was always one of my favorite movies growing up. We had a tape with Karate Kid and Back to the Future on it and I think I watched both of those so many times. What was weird about KK, is that it didn't have the ending I remembered. On the tape we had, KK didn't end until the confrontation outside the tournament, and on the DVD it ended right after Daniel-san won the tournament. Notstalgia-tastic!
Also, daylight savings snuck up on me this year. I guess it does every year, but I still have clocks I have to reset, like the one in my car. Plus I have to buy gas tomorrow. That's gonna suck. Having a high performance car does have it's downside, being having to put in premium. I think I saw it was $2.49/gal now.
Oh, yeah. Saturday night. We went over to John and Julie's 'cause Dan was dogsitting. We watched The Animatrix and Napolean Dynamite on the projector. Awesome. The Animatrix had a couple of very cool segments. I really liked the haunted house one, and the history of the fall of humanity was pretty cool also.
Tonight I'm watching Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. earlier I went to dinner with my parents. We went to Sila, an italian restaurant just down 12 Mile a couple blocks from me. It was really good. I had manicotti and my mom had this chicken and spinach lasagna that looked really good. She gave me the leftover piece, so, I'll get to try it. My dad had mostaccoli with sausage. That also looked good. It was pretty reasonabley priced too.
Sidenote. On Grey's Anatomy they had a Tegan and Sarah song.
Hm. Anything else. No? Ok, that is all.
-The Geek
Friday, April 01, 2005
April's Fools Joke Links
I will include a few links here to April's Fool joke sites. I'll update as I find more.
Apple founder Jobs joins IKEA
Bush twins to join Air Force tech unit in Iraq
Google Gulp
Apple founder Jobs joins IKEA
Bush twins to join Air Force tech unit in Iraq
Google Gulp
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