Monday, April 25, 2005

This is me expounding

I came across this post on Laws that don't have names from TWOP, and thought I'd throw a few of my own out there.

Kawamoto's Unified Theorem of Men and Women:

Women are evil. Men are stupid.

I firmly believe that this explains all interactions between men and women.

Kawamoto's Inverse Proportionality Rule for Asian Food Restaurants:

The quality of food is inversely proportional to the fanciness of the decor.

The hole-in-the-wall places are usually the best. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but that's only as you approach the limit for food quality, for a few very fine cuisine restaurants.


Anonymous said...

Now I'll have to come up with a name for my theory on the difference between dorks and geeks.


The Judge said...

Women aren't evil, but men are definitely stupid.
