More stuff about me. Answers to questions from Chris and Michelle
Questions courtest of misanthropicsob or Coronado if y'all didn't know.
1. L to the O to the V to the E, have you ever been in the big L?
Yes. I know because of how much it hurt when it ended.
2. What type of person are you looking for in a relationship?
Someone who's literate, intellligent, funny. Someone who understands my quirks, understands that I have my moods. Someone who can deal with my obsessions with TV, toys and anything else that I tend to obsess over. Preferably someone without a history of mental illness. I somehow know that I can't avoid drama in a relationship, but I wish there could be a minimum of it. I also like boobs.
3. If you could have any job in the world, what would you have and why?
Hmm. I would like a job with a minimum of paperwork. I always really liked working at the bike shop. But I also like the creative part of my current job. So, something design-related. I'd also like to be a musician, with an actual band.
4. Are you ever inclined to get a Masters degree in...something?
This is something I've thought about. I didn't really enjoy the school part of college. I think I would really need a good reason or something I was really interested in to go back to school. I am taking a class for CATIA V.5 this summer, but that's for work.
5. What is your experience with chemicals of the illicit sort?
Illicit chemicals... I think the only one I've ever tried was pot. I thought it was ok, mostly it made me silly. I'll smoke it, but I have to be in the right mood. I think the weirdest experience with pot was when Dan and I were hanging out with one of his friends (whose name escapes me at this time) and we were smoking a little and then Dan's car got broken into. We had to wait around for the police and then the tow truck. And then it was 8 in the morning and we got high, and then I had to go to work at the bike shop, and I was high until noon.
Questions from Michelle
1. Have you ever seen a Ghost or thought that you have seen one?
I don't think I've ever seen a ghost, but I thought I had felt the presence of someone still hanging around.
2. What do you think happens to your spirit/ soul / inner being/ ego, what ever you want to call it,does/ goes when you expire? Do you go some where, stay around and help your loved ones when needed... be creative, tell the truth not what you think people would want to hear.
I don't know, I don't really believe in heaven and hell. I still have some thought that there is an afterlife. I guess this ties back into the ghost thing. So, maybe, people's spirits do hang around to help the people left behind to cope.
3. If there is ONE song that would describe you, what song would this be and why?
I've always been a fan of "Norwegian Wood" by The Beatles, just a simple song of a guy who goes back to a girl's place and ends up sleeping in the bathtub.
4. By some weird chance, you have been selected by a council of alien beings to protect and conceal a member of their council. This guy is brash, has poor taste in music, wine and women. He looks human, and you have to intoduce him into your circle of friends, BUT you can not tell your friends what exactly is going on, what do you do and how would you handle this?
I'd tell them he an exchange student was from Sweden and was not good with our customs. He'd be like Fez from "That 70's Show."
5. Do you ever hear those commercials that say " HELLLLLOOO Moto.." and think they are talking to you?
Nope, not at all, although I have had people say that to me. Moto was not a nickname that I ever was called before, so I never really made the connection.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
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The alien would say, "Yes, but on my planet--"
"You mean country, and it's illegal here anyway," you'd have to jump in for the save.
Oh, and that was Lora's place. Liz was there, craziness ensued, as usual. Wonder what they're up to now . . .
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