Saturday, December 10, 2005

Merriment and Mestophiles

I don't really know what the title of this post means, I just needed some alliteration for it.

So, last night, we went out for Austin's birthday. We had a um, drunken time. Austin and I got there at 9ish, and drove because it was too cold to walk. We then had a lot of beers. Austin also had a few shots, which contributed to later events. A bunch of Austin's work friends came, and his sisters showed up. There was a lot of "Bringing It On" and nerd talk and other fun things and whatnot. We ended up closing out the bar. Eventually I drove his car back to my place where we sobered up a bit. Austin then decided to leave, but had to puke on the neighbors lawn first. He was then ok. He's still recovering as we speak. Well, not really speak, but as I'm writing this, but you're not necessarily reading it at that same time, but suffice to say, he's hungover, well and good.

Tonight, I'm heading over to Austin's friend Gerry's where we're going to play Unreal Tournament on the LAN. Wow, that's like, so super nerdy. It should be fun though.

-The Dork

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez Mike! Why don't you just tell everybody we play Magic: The Gathering sometimes too! We're never gonna score any chicks at this rate!!!

BTW: that last game the Blue team TOTALLY capture the flagged your red ass, Mr. Svenning. I don't care how many time you exploded me.
