Wednesday, January 18, 2006

And my affection, well it comes and goes

Weird fact: I have heard The Killers' All These Things That I've Done 3 separate times today. Once on my way to work, once when I got back in my car after lunch, and just now when I got back to my desk.

I had actually started a post with this title earlier, but the internet went funky at work, so it got lost, but as I had little actually in it, it really wasn't a big deal. So many clauses in my writing, it's a little ridiculous. It makes me think of Gilmore Girls which I watched last night, and where Paris is reading people's submissions and starts editing this one guy's and berating him for splitting infinitives. I think it was split infinitives... I don't know, this whole grammar thing escapes me at times. This leads me to my next thought. (Well it does, sort of tangentially, but that's neither here nor there.)

I watch a lot of TV. I used to read a lot. The thing is, TV has not displaced all the reading I used to do, it just postpones it, usually to the detriment of my sleep schedule, or lack thereof. Reading is important. Especially if you have to write anything. Most engineers I've met are horrible writers. I'm merely unsatisfactory. You know what? I'm not really sure anymore where I'm going with this. Um, kids? Yeah, uh, kids, you should read. Reading is good. Yeah, that's it.

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