Bad dog
Originally uploaded by M Kawamoto.
This is the new crate. Skippy managed to scoot the crate over enough to get a hold of my down comforter and ripped a hole in it. There were feathers everywhere. There are still feathers everywhere that escape the vacuum. Skippy is a very naughty dog. See how guilty he looks? I'm keeping him, but he needs to be broken of some bad habits. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.
Give him a blanket to lay on in the crate. Make sure he has rawhides and maybe a rope to chew on while he's in the crate. Don't put the crate next to your bed. :P
I think what it comes down to is that you're right - he has a lot of bad habits. Also, he's in a new place and he probably misses "Mike" and Scooter, so he's acting out.
You might want to try covering the crate with a sheet to make it feel more like a cave, although he'll probably chew on the sheet...
Best thing ever, though? Bitter Apple. Spray it on your stuff.
I agree with Beckie. It's a good idea to drape a sheet over the crate to make it seem like a dark warm cave (like the womb). Another 2 or 3 towels or blankets in the crate would be good and more cozy. And Skip loves to chew on stuff so try the rawhides and rubber things and bones - big ones. Skip can devour a raw hide in about 20 minutes.
Mum says you should get him a big Kong.
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