Monday, January 29, 2007

You are the one that is the buster

Ugh. My back is still kind of sore. And I'm kind of tired.

For what had promised to be a nerdy weekend, it didn't end up being that too much. Austin and I were supposed to play cards on Friday, but one of the other players canceled, so we canceled the game and will probably reschedule sometime later. Austin and I still ended up going out for Middle-Eastern food and watching anime.

Saturday, I got up unnaturally early (at least for a weekend) and headed to Austin's where we carpooled to Beckie's parent's house to load the truck for her move. It took a surprisingly short amount of time to load the truck. We then headed to The Apartment (Mark Deux) to unload. We had to wait a bit for Beckie to get her keys and the rental agreement signed and whatnot, but then got her stuff unloaded fairly quickly and with few problems.

Austin and I took off after Beckie and her dad went grocery shopping, and I went home to walk the Skip, while Austin had to stop by his work to sort out some robot issues. After attending to these errands, Austin picked me up from my house and we went to the LAN party at Gerry's.

There was much bustin' of caps at the LAN party. I clumsily attempted to ensnare Gerry's friend Meaghan in my nefarious plan to see silly romantic-comedies.

Sunday I went to IKEA to meet my parents and sister for lunch and shopping. We tend to meet somewhere on the west side of town so as to be somewhat half-way between my parents and Ann Arbor. I bought a small rug for my side door and a recycling bin so Skippy will stop rooting around in the bag I had been using for collecting the recyclables. Later I met up with Austin and Beckie for Thai food.

Watched BSG last night. Awesome. Also watch The Dresden Files. That was pretty decent, kind of a magical version of Monk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All hail the Skip.
