Michelle (Chellee) came into town from San Diego for her birthday this weekend. I haven't seen her, for, um, about 4 years. So, it was pretty cool. Of course, Michigan decided to reward her homecoming by sending us some of the crappiest April weather that I can remember.
Friday, I took the day off and went shopping and cleaned. I went to Sam's Club, and Kroger. I returned $24 worth of cans to the store, although I still have about the same amount left to return. They're sitting in the back of the Saturn still.
Speaking of the Saturn, I've been driving it the last week or so, because the weather has been so cold and lousy, and I had already put my summer tires on my Subaru. The summer tires don't work so good when the temperature is below 40 degrees. I was too lazy to put the all-seasons back on the Subaru.
Anyway, back to Friday, after starting my cooking for the party, I ended up going to see Blades of Glory with Beckie and Michelle. It was pretty funny. I give a B. (mostly because it was ridiculous, but not terribly smart) After the movie, we went back to Beckie's apartment where we had drinks, and played video games. Michelle and Beckie decided that my hair needed to be straightened. See Pic.

Also, Beckie and I somehow managed to statically shock and kill one of her Guitar Hero controllers. After Guitar Hero, Beckie and Michelle played Mendels Palace. It was a kind of weird game. I headed home and did some more stuff to get ready.
Saturday, I busied myself with party preparations. Unfortunately the weather refused to cooperate. I took the Skip for a walk, and waited for people to arrive. They eventually did. John and Julie brought pierogis, and a salad. I made delicous ribs and chili. Julie also brought a cake.
Beckie and Michelle showed up a little bit after them and then other people started to filter in. Jackie and El Dave, Jessica, Austin, Lani, Michelle's friend Eugen (Yugin?), and Beckie's friend Colleen. We eventually played a drinking game to Spaceballs. It was pretty brutal, the most brutal rule was drinking whenever Dark Helmet's visor went up or down. We also played "Don't Quote Me" which is a game I got somewhere for Christmas.
The party eventually wound down and people headed home. I cleaned up a little and headed to bed.
Sunday, I went to my parent's house for dinner and then over to the Mitchell's house to help MaryBeth with her computer. The hard drive died. I tried to recover whatever files she had not backed up. I ended up staying there for a couple hours trying different things. She was probably buying a new hard drive today and then reinstalling and restoring everything. Major bummer.
Oh, and I still have a ton leftovers from Saturday. Anyone is welcome to come by and chow down. I had leftovers for lunch today. And for dinner. I still have almost half the cake too. Ugh, gonna go into sugarshock.
It's Yujin.
I should've taken some of that cake. I really wanted to eat some on Tuesday.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for helping her out. I guess she thought Mikey killed the hard drive by pressing a bunch of buttons at once. I think that's unlikely.
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