Wow! Alias was awesome last night. Marshall rules! I was wondering when they were going to have another Marshall episode. It was also good to see Amanda Foreman (Marshall's wife). I always liked her on Felicity. Again, Spork!
I was reading on TVGal at about how she doesn't have the love affair with Alias that she used to, that it's now more like they were lovers that became good friends. Well, let me tell you, last night's episode renewed the torrid love affair, if you can have such a thing with a non-physical object.
Lost also was really good. They still haven't really explained how Locke lost the use of his legs, but it does give a lot of tantalizing hints. There was also a few WTF moments, and of course Hurley gets in a bit of a dig at Sawyer. Hee-larious.
That is all the TV talking for now.
I will now summon my gang of hot women. I hope this goes better for me than for Dan. Damn Ryan and his summoning skillz. Aight!
Me: Hey! Where are the hot women?
Dustin Hoffman as Tootsie: Over here!
Me: Wha!? Who's that with you?
Tom Hanks and that other guy who was on Newhart but both when they were in "Bosom Buddies": Oh, it's us. All the really great American drag characters.
Cast of To Wong Foo: Yeah, we're awesomely gender-bending.
Me: Uh, this isn't what I imagined. I sure hope not.
Bugs Bunny in a dress: Say, what's up Doc?
Me: This is not babe-alicious.
Me: *bangs head against wall to knock myself out*
Me: Lilly Kane? Laura Palmer?
LK & LP: Yes?
Me: Aren't you both dead?
LK: Yes, but I keep appearing in flashbacks. That's what this is.
Me: Dammit. Wait, but that means somehow, in the past, there were hot babes?
LP: Well, maybe, but maybe you actually killed us.
Me: I don't think I would kill hot babes.
LK: Well, we sure didn't kill ourselves. I mean, look at me, I'm young and hot.
LP: Besides, you are probably hallucinating this whole thing.
Me: Crap. I forgot.
Much later
Me: *Opens one eye slowly to scan room for either hot chicks or men in drag.*
Me: Whew. I'm alone. Well, that's not that much better.
The door opens. In walks Tina Fey and Lisa Loeb.
Me: *pointing at Tina Fey* Hey, you're Lisa Loeb!
Me: *pointing at Lisa Loeb* And you're Tina Fey!
LL: Oops. We must of somehow switched glasses in the dressing room. Here's yours.
Lisa and Tina swap glasses.
Me: Oh. Sorry, I totally was confused there for a minute.
TF: Eh, don't worry. It happens all the time. So, how about hot sex?
Me: Awesome.
LL: She meant just her and me. You can't join because you're not a hot brunette with cool glasses.
Me: Can I at least watch?
TF: I suppose. But at least put on this wig and these glasses.
Tina hands me a wig that looks like it's halfway between their haircuts and a pair of black horn rim glasses.
LL: That's better. Now let's get to it.
Me: But this isn't even my prescription! I can't see anything.
TF: Shut it! That's what we wanted.
Me: *squinting at Tina and Lisa* Awesome....
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I did it... d'oh! Not going to use their stupid slogan
So, I have an iPod, but since most of them do not come with the remote these days, I've been trying to buy one off of eBay. Unfortunately, people keep sniping them out from under me. Well, having had enough of that, I decided to look for automatic bidding software. I had heard of it somewhere, so I looked at a bunch of different ones. Most of them require you to pay for either a per bid fee or a subscription or just the program. I did find one free one, called JBidWatcher and I'm having it snipe a couple auctions for me today. We'll just have to see how it works out. It's Java based and supposedly it's under active development. I just read on the website it got a 4 Mice award from Macworld. Cool.
iPod Remote, here I come.
-The Nerd
iPod Remote, here I come.
-The Nerd
Monday, March 28, 2005
More randomness
I saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou last night with Chris. It was really good. Very quirky, maybe a bit slow in parts, but very cool. I wasn't annoyed by the cutaways or the surreal imagery. It's definately not for everyone, but I liked it.
I also am just finishing watching Grey's Anatomy. I think it holds a lot of promise. None of the characters annoy me off the bat. And it's got Katherine Heigl. So Hot! The main character's backstory is also pretty interesting. It's sort of "Scrubs" but drama-y instead of sitcom-y. There were a couple things in the episode that I sort of saw coming but it made sense. I haven't watched ER in years, but it seems like that show has really gotten gimicky. I can't remember where I read it, but the person said that saying that the episode will be what everyone is talking about doesn't make it watercooler TV. I think that's what bugs me about ER is that now every episode has really annoying promos, "The episode you can't miss!" or "The last 5 minutes you won't believe!" Garrghh! Hopefully ABC doesn't start doing that to this show. Watch it. It's good. I swear.
In other news. I finally got an iPod this week. It wasn't from the free iPods thing I've been talking about, but I bought it off a co-worker for a really good price. It's so cool. Now I really need to look into putting a different radio in my car. I have one of the FM transmitter doo-hickeys, but it only gives so-so sound. I want hi-fidelity. Mucho sound-o. I also want to get my XM radio in the new car, but that also requires a workaround. There is a way to do both, and a cheap way and the cooler, more intergrated, much more expensive way. I would prefer the cooler way, and depending on what I do, it could be done in stages so as to decrease the cash layout.
Also, I recorded a couple movies this weekend. One was the original, good, version of The Ladykillers and the other was a cheesy Sci-Fi original movie starring Bruce Campbell, Alien Apocalypse. I've only watched a little bit of The Ladykillers to make sure it recorded correctly, but what I watched was good. The little old lady is awesome.
[Nerd Alert]
I'm 6 weeks behind on watching Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica. I'm also 6 weeks behind on MI-5 (which was on A&E). I've been slowly catching up on stuff, because during sweeps there was just too much new TV on. Maybe I watch too much TV, but because I can watch stuff whenever I want, I don't just watch whatever's on, I watch what I want to. I guess that's less random. I watched SNL from this weekend (it was a repeat w/Paris Hilton hosting but I hadn't seen it) and they had a pretty funny sketch about phone sex lines and who calls them and marketing to certain nerd subcultures, i.e. Trekkies, Star Wars dorks, Lord of the Rings nerds and D&D geeks. They even had a Dr. Who chatline. Hilarious.
I should really see how much TV a week I watch/record. I know there's a lot.
[/Nerd Alert]
I should go to bed. I have to work tomorrow. Even though I think the Big 3 are off, most everybody else isn't. Hopefully my drive home doesn't suck too bad. Blah.
-The Geek
I also am just finishing watching Grey's Anatomy. I think it holds a lot of promise. None of the characters annoy me off the bat. And it's got Katherine Heigl. So Hot! The main character's backstory is also pretty interesting. It's sort of "Scrubs" but drama-y instead of sitcom-y. There were a couple things in the episode that I sort of saw coming but it made sense. I haven't watched ER in years, but it seems like that show has really gotten gimicky. I can't remember where I read it, but the person said that saying that the episode will be what everyone is talking about doesn't make it watercooler TV. I think that's what bugs me about ER is that now every episode has really annoying promos, "The episode you can't miss!" or "The last 5 minutes you won't believe!" Garrghh! Hopefully ABC doesn't start doing that to this show. Watch it. It's good. I swear.
In other news. I finally got an iPod this week. It wasn't from the free iPods thing I've been talking about, but I bought it off a co-worker for a really good price. It's so cool. Now I really need to look into putting a different radio in my car. I have one of the FM transmitter doo-hickeys, but it only gives so-so sound. I want hi-fidelity. Mucho sound-o. I also want to get my XM radio in the new car, but that also requires a workaround. There is a way to do both, and a cheap way and the cooler, more intergrated, much more expensive way. I would prefer the cooler way, and depending on what I do, it could be done in stages so as to decrease the cash layout.
Also, I recorded a couple movies this weekend. One was the original, good, version of The Ladykillers and the other was a cheesy Sci-Fi original movie starring Bruce Campbell, Alien Apocalypse. I've only watched a little bit of The Ladykillers to make sure it recorded correctly, but what I watched was good. The little old lady is awesome.
[Nerd Alert]
I'm 6 weeks behind on watching Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica. I'm also 6 weeks behind on MI-5 (which was on A&E). I've been slowly catching up on stuff, because during sweeps there was just too much new TV on. Maybe I watch too much TV, but because I can watch stuff whenever I want, I don't just watch whatever's on, I watch what I want to. I guess that's less random. I watched SNL from this weekend (it was a repeat w/Paris Hilton hosting but I hadn't seen it) and they had a pretty funny sketch about phone sex lines and who calls them and marketing to certain nerd subcultures, i.e. Trekkies, Star Wars dorks, Lord of the Rings nerds and D&D geeks. They even had a Dr. Who chatline. Hilarious.
I should really see how much TV a week I watch/record. I know there's a lot.
[/Nerd Alert]
I should go to bed. I have to work tomorrow. Even though I think the Big 3 are off, most everybody else isn't. Hopefully my drive home doesn't suck too bad. Blah.
-The Geek
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Am I here to amuse you?
OK, it's Wednesday, but I meant to post about this earlier.
I finally saw Goodfellas this weekend. I don't know exactly why I never had seen it before now, I was probably given the chance, especially because Jared was such a freak for it, but at least I now have. I have to say that it exceeded my expectations and they were pretty high as I had heard from everyone that this was a great film. Scorsese got robbed at the Oscars, I can't believe that Dances With Wolves won over Goodfellas.
Let me share my Scorsese snub theory. I think that Scorsese's natural focus on New York may have been the reason for Oscar voter's inferred bias against him. Although I think the fact that he made a movie this year about someone from Hollywood and didn't win points to the movie apparently sucking.
Back to Goodfellas. I really thought Ray Liotta was excellent. I also like the whole food motif throughout the movie. That seems to be a common theme in Italian and/or mobster movies. I'm sure that someone probably even wrote their thesis on it.
Food movie links
Food Films: Goodfellas
Pasta on Film
Term Papers - Imagism and Martin Scorsese: Images suspended and extended
Literature/Film Quarterly, 1998, by Castellitto, George P
Anyway. In conclusion, (although what I'm concluding has no real point) I really liked Goodfellas alot.
I finally saw Goodfellas this weekend. I don't know exactly why I never had seen it before now, I was probably given the chance, especially because Jared was such a freak for it, but at least I now have. I have to say that it exceeded my expectations and they were pretty high as I had heard from everyone that this was a great film. Scorsese got robbed at the Oscars, I can't believe that Dances With Wolves won over Goodfellas.
Let me share my Scorsese snub theory. I think that Scorsese's natural focus on New York may have been the reason for Oscar voter's inferred bias against him. Although I think the fact that he made a movie this year about someone from Hollywood and didn't win points to the movie apparently sucking.
Back to Goodfellas. I really thought Ray Liotta was excellent. I also like the whole food motif throughout the movie. That seems to be a common theme in Italian and/or mobster movies. I'm sure that someone probably even wrote their thesis on it.
Food movie links
Food Films: Goodfellas
Pasta on Film
Term Papers - Imagism and Martin Scorsese: Images suspended and extended
Literature/Film Quarterly, 1998, by Castellitto, George P
Anyway. In conclusion, (although what I'm concluding has no real point) I really liked Goodfellas alot.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
"Free" Stuff
So, anyways, lately I've been caught up in this whole "Free" stuff craze. I've signed up for 5 different things, for which I've spent ~$100 to get. Now, the actually value of the iPod photo, Sony PSP and the Mac Mini is way more than that, and I'm actually closest to getting the Sony PSP which will be sweet. I had to order cartridges for my printer to qualify for one of the offers, and what pisses me off is that's the one that didn't give me credit.
Let me lay it out if you haven't been following. It may not interest you so you can skip this post.
1. Sign up using a referral link (like mine in my sidebar) or by joining what's called a "conga line" (explained later.)
2. Complete an offer, usually signing up for a credit card or Blockbuster. ( is a good site to see which offers are the least hassle/expense)
3. Get others to complete referrals.
The requires 5 referrals completed, Mac Mini is 10, and they vary from product to product, based on the price.
These free product sites get from $40-90 for each person they get to sign up for an offer, so that's how they can offer the stuff.
I haven't necessarily given the best explanation of this but if your check out some of my other links, there are better guides and whatnot, just in case you're interested.
I've been paying to put my link up for a day, and during that day, everyone that clicks on that free products clicks through my link. I had 10 people sign up under my link for the 3 days I had it up, but unfortunately not everyone that signs up actually follows through and completes an offer.
Very important You should click on the link and make sure it has the referral number rather than typing in the website, otherwise I won't get credit for the referral.
Congas: I was actually kind of confused by the conga concept at first, but it goes like this. The first person starts the conga, and the next people sign up with that person's link, and after the first person gets all the referrals he/she needs, the next person gets his/her link put up as the link people sign up under and once the fill up, the next person under get their link put up, and so on and so forth. Good if you're at the top of the list, although there are other conga systems out there.
Ok, enough with the begging or whatever. Just working out my personal obsession of late.
Let me lay it out if you haven't been following. It may not interest you so you can skip this post.
1. Sign up using a referral link (like mine in my sidebar) or by joining what's called a "conga line" (explained later.)
2. Complete an offer, usually signing up for a credit card or Blockbuster. ( is a good site to see which offers are the least hassle/expense)
3. Get others to complete referrals.
The requires 5 referrals completed, Mac Mini is 10, and they vary from product to product, based on the price.
These free product sites get from $40-90 for each person they get to sign up for an offer, so that's how they can offer the stuff.
I haven't necessarily given the best explanation of this but if your check out some of my other links, there are better guides and whatnot, just in case you're interested.
I've been paying to put my link up for a day, and during that day, everyone that clicks on that free products clicks through my link. I had 10 people sign up under my link for the 3 days I had it up, but unfortunately not everyone that signs up actually follows through and completes an offer.
Very important You should click on the link and make sure it has the referral number rather than typing in the website, otherwise I won't get credit for the referral.
Congas: I was actually kind of confused by the conga concept at first, but it goes like this. The first person starts the conga, and the next people sign up with that person's link, and after the first person gets all the referrals he/she needs, the next person gets his/her link put up as the link people sign up under and once the fill up, the next person under get their link put up, and so on and so forth. Good if you're at the top of the list, although there are other conga systems out there.
Ok, enough with the begging or whatever. Just working out my personal obsession of late.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Neat stuff
I found this cool site that lets you spell words using images from Flickr
I found the link through

I found the link through
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Erin Go Braugh and all that stuff. I am seriously ready to do some hardcore drinking tonight. Ya' know, it's not a good St. Paddy's if some doesn't get sick. I will leave you with a few words and a couple links.
Happy Drinking!
St. Patrick's Day -- Customs and History
The History Channel - The History of St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Festival 2005 - Dublin, Ireland
"I'm not from Dublin, I'm from just outside of Dublin..."
Happy Drinking!
St. Patrick's Day -- Customs and History
The History Channel - The History of St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Festival 2005 - Dublin, Ireland
"I'm not from Dublin, I'm from just outside of Dublin..."
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Stolen from Tess
Armed and Dangerous Congratulations! You scored 82%! |
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine. |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender :
Link: The Zombie Scenario Survivor Test written by ci8db4uok on Ok Cupid |
I'm middle of the road... Squish, like grape
Stolen from Coronado
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality tests by
Monday, March 14, 2005
4 (5?) Big Beers + Car Bomb + Red Head = Hangover
I awoke sometime Sunday morning, my arm achy in that fell-asleep-on-it kind of way, but that's because it had been hanging off the couch. I half didn't remember where I was, but slowly realized I was on Tess's couch. That was because there was no way I would have been able to drive home Saturday night. The title describes what I drank. I passed out on Tess's floor, but eventually was shepherded to the couch. I had a wicked headache in the morning.
Also, I saw Dear Frankie with Tess earlier on Saturday. It was really good, sweet without being schmaltzy. The kid actor was really good. Gerard Butler (who is the reason Tess wanted to see the movie) was also really good. The pacing of the movie was maybe a little slow in parts, but I think it was very deliberate. It was filmed in Scotland, once again reviving my want to go to Scotland. I had planned on making a trip there before Caitlin passed, but unfortunately that was not to be. It looked so beautiful there in the movie. I will go to Glasgow and Edinburgh eventually, but the exchange rate now is just not in our favor now.
Also, I saw Dear Frankie with Tess earlier on Saturday. It was really good, sweet without being schmaltzy. The kid actor was really good. Gerard Butler (who is the reason Tess wanted to see the movie) was also really good. The pacing of the movie was maybe a little slow in parts, but I think it was very deliberate. It was filmed in Scotland, once again reviving my want to go to Scotland. I had planned on making a trip there before Caitlin passed, but unfortunately that was not to be. It looked so beautiful there in the movie. I will go to Glasgow and Edinburgh eventually, but the exchange rate now is just not in our favor now.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Ok, this is blatant post whoring, but I'm trying to get my Free Mac Mini from Gratis and maybe some kind of Google bomb post will get my blog up high enough in the results to get a few more referals. I'm also signed up for Free Photo iPods, Free PSPs and Notebooks 4 Free.
I got a couple of referals by getting my link for my Free Mac Mini at and also
Click here to sign up for your own Free Mac Mini
Um... pR0n. There. That should get some traffic. And um... WareZ
Free Mac Mini!
Free Mac Mini!
Free Mac Mini!
I got a couple of referals by getting my link for my Free Mac Mini at and also
Click here to sign up for your own Free Mac Mini
Um... pR0n. There. That should get some traffic. And um... WareZ
Free Mac Mini!
Free Mac Mini!
Free Mac Mini!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Yawning is contagious
I don't feel like I have much to say this time, as nothing much has been happening in my life. I can't necessarily be unhappy at this as my friends' lives have been much more turmoil-filled recently. Recognize, I send much love to my peeps.
Oh, yeah, laying in bed trying to write is not very productive. Falling asleep. Must postpone to more alert time.
*The next morning*
Ok, I have really no idea where I was going with this post. I think introspective is not really my thing.
I hate the fact that when I'm half awake in the morning I have what seem to be good ideas that I can never remember later.
Random musing: Who has heard the New Order song "Krafty"? Do you think it sounds like Smashing Pumpkins? Like exactly like it could have come off of Melancholie...? Maybe it's just me. Now, back to regularly unscheduled rantings.
I apologize for the randomness of this post, I am distracted by various work things and non-work things and somehow the radio keeps becoming a strong presense in my consciousness today, as opposed to it's more normal background-y-ness.
That reminds me, I should practice my guitar more. And I should listen to my new CDs more. Of course the other night when I was trying to listen to stuff on iTunes, I was having a problem with Airport Express and AirTunes and I was going insane trying to figure out the problems. But now my G4 has the upgrade in it, and it's much faster, so maybe that will help with some of my problems. Also, I think I read that 2.4Ghz cordless phones mess up the WiFi signal, hopefully my neighbors stay off their phones.
I don't understand what the big deal is about Bright Eyes. I mean it's ok music, but why the stupid fanboyishness (-ness is the new -ly) that surrounds that kid? Stupid hipsters. "If it's really horrible and nobody likes it, than it must be cool." I think I'm kind of in that mindset, where if something becomes popular I'm no longer interested in it. Though sometimes I like stuff far beyond when it was cool. And even in spite of it not being cool. Although I've always been on the "Creed Sucks" bandwagon. I knew they would suck from the first moment I heard them. And that is one thing I've stayed true to.
Must remember to buy Spacehog.
Ok, I guess I should wrap this up. It's gone on maybe too long and rambly and re-taaah-ded.
Stupid song getting stuck in my head...
"Where do all the porn stars go, when the lights go down? I wonder where all the porn stars go? 'Cause when you need one, they are never around."
Volvo Driving Soccer Mom - Everclear
(Posted 10:53am)
This post brought to you by the Letters XM and the word of the day is "random."
Oh, yeah, laying in bed trying to write is not very productive. Falling asleep. Must postpone to more alert time.
*The next morning*
Ok, I have really no idea where I was going with this post. I think introspective is not really my thing.
I hate the fact that when I'm half awake in the morning I have what seem to be good ideas that I can never remember later.
Random musing: Who has heard the New Order song "Krafty"? Do you think it sounds like Smashing Pumpkins? Like exactly like it could have come off of Melancholie...? Maybe it's just me. Now, back to regularly unscheduled rantings.
I apologize for the randomness of this post, I am distracted by various work things and non-work things and somehow the radio keeps becoming a strong presense in my consciousness today, as opposed to it's more normal background-y-ness.
That reminds me, I should practice my guitar more. And I should listen to my new CDs more. Of course the other night when I was trying to listen to stuff on iTunes, I was having a problem with Airport Express and AirTunes and I was going insane trying to figure out the problems. But now my G4 has the upgrade in it, and it's much faster, so maybe that will help with some of my problems. Also, I think I read that 2.4Ghz cordless phones mess up the WiFi signal, hopefully my neighbors stay off their phones.
I don't understand what the big deal is about Bright Eyes. I mean it's ok music, but why the stupid fanboyishness (-ness is the new -ly) that surrounds that kid? Stupid hipsters. "If it's really horrible and nobody likes it, than it must be cool." I think I'm kind of in that mindset, where if something becomes popular I'm no longer interested in it. Though sometimes I like stuff far beyond when it was cool. And even in spite of it not being cool. Although I've always been on the "Creed Sucks" bandwagon. I knew they would suck from the first moment I heard them. And that is one thing I've stayed true to.
Must remember to buy Spacehog.
Ok, I guess I should wrap this up. It's gone on maybe too long and rambly and re-taaah-ded.
Stupid song getting stuck in my head...
"Where do all the porn stars go, when the lights go down? I wonder where all the porn stars go? 'Cause when you need one, they are never around."
Volvo Driving Soccer Mom - Everclear
(Posted 10:53am)
This post brought to you by the Letters XM and the word of the day is "random."
Monday, March 07, 2005
Been there... done that... blogged it.
It's a good thing I didn't have a 'blog when Chris was living with John and I. This might have been the result.
I Hate My Flatmate Blog
I Hate My Flatmate Blog
Friday, March 04, 2005
Blowed Out
So, Austin and I have gone to 2 nights of the Hamtramck Blowout. Wednesday night was cool, and they still had the all access wristbands for $10. I ran into Kelly (Tess's friend) and also Bobby from the Tap Room. He asked, "No Tap Room tonight?" and I told that we were checking out all the Blowout stuff instead.
The Expatriates played first on Wednesday, they rocked.I really want to check them out again sometime. Tiny Steps was also really good. I was not much of a fan of Lee Marvin Computer Arm. I think they sound like the Hives, but crappier and with a trumpet. And of course Thunderbirds Are Now kicked ass, with even a Cobain-style dive into the drums at the end by Ryan Allen, the lead guitarist.
Last night Austin and I went to see Catalog only. They were playing at this little bar called Shenanigans and we went for them and stay to see Proxi, which featured a female singer, and I thought little else to recomend them. Maybe the sound was bad in there, but I just wasn't digging them. We left after their set, because the next couple bands seemed much more hardcore, and I was getting tired and such.
-The Geek
The Expatriates played first on Wednesday, they rocked.I really want to check them out again sometime. Tiny Steps was also really good. I was not much of a fan of Lee Marvin Computer Arm. I think they sound like the Hives, but crappier and with a trumpet. And of course Thunderbirds Are Now kicked ass, with even a Cobain-style dive into the drums at the end by Ryan Allen, the lead guitarist.
Last night Austin and I went to see Catalog only. They were playing at this little bar called Shenanigans and we went for them and stay to see Proxi, which featured a female singer, and I thought little else to recomend them. Maybe the sound was bad in there, but I just wasn't digging them. We left after their set, because the next couple bands seemed much more hardcore, and I was getting tired and such.
-The Geek
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Lost is awesome
I am going to play these numbers the next time I buy lotto tickets. Actually the last number is one I play anyways.
4 8 15 16 23 42
-The Dork
P.S. There's really no point to this post other that recording these numbers.
4 8 15 16 23 42
-The Dork
P.S. There's really no point to this post other that recording these numbers.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
I hate Detroit roads
Once again, fate has found a way to fuck me. Ok, well maybe not fuck, but at least give me a wet-willy. I was driving to lunch and got stuck behind a salt/plow truck getting on the freeway. I was about to pass him, when the guy behind me pulled into the passing lane preventing me from getting out from behind the truck. I then heard a loud crack, as a stone hit my windshield. I looked around and saw the thumbprint size spider of cracks on the windshield near the bottom of the glass. I was freakin' pissed off. This likely will mean I will have to deal with the insurance company again. If you are aware of what I went through the last time I had to deal with them, you will understand my reluctance to bring them into this matter. Fuckers. Damn road non-repairing fuckers. Damn Michigan freeze-thaw cycles causing excessive road erosion. Damn ass-monkeys cutting me off from passing fucking slow-ass stone-throwing salt trucks. Dammit.
-The Peeved
Update: 6:45pm
The crack spread the whole fucking way across the windshield. I hate this weather.
-The Peeved
Update: 6:45pm
The crack spread the whole fucking way across the windshield. I hate this weather.
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