Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"Free" Stuff

So, anyways, lately I've been caught up in this whole "Free" stuff craze. I've signed up for 5 different things, for which I've spent ~$100 to get. Now, the actually value of the iPod photo, Sony PSP and the Mac Mini is way more than that, and I'm actually closest to getting the Sony PSP which will be sweet. I had to order cartridges for my printer to qualify for one of the offers, and what pisses me off is that's the one that didn't give me credit.

Let me lay it out if you haven't been following. It may not interest you so you can skip this post.

1. Sign up using a referral link (like mine in my sidebar) or by joining what's called a "conga line" (explained later.)

2. Complete an offer, usually signing up for a credit card or Blockbuster. (Ratetheoffers.com is a good site to see which offers are the least hassle/expense)

3. Get others to complete referrals.

The FreePSPs.com requires 5 referrals completed, Mac Mini is 10, and they vary from product to product, based on the price.

These free product sites get from $40-90 for each person they get to sign up for an offer, so that's how they can offer the stuff.

I haven't necessarily given the best explanation of this but if your check out some of my other links, there are better guides and whatnot, just in case you're interested.

I've been paying freeipodsandflatscreens.com to put my link up for a day, and during that day, everyone that clicks on that free products clicks through my link. I had 10 people sign up under my link for the 3 days I had it up, but unfortunately not everyone that signs up actually follows through and completes an offer.

Very important You should click on the link and make sure it has the referral number rather than typing in the website, otherwise I won't get credit for the referral.

Congas: I was actually kind of confused by the conga concept at first, but it goes like this. The first person starts the conga, and the next people sign up with that person's link, and after the first person gets all the referrals he/she needs, the next person gets his/her link put up as the link people sign up under and once the fill up, the next person under get their link put up, and so on and so forth. Good if you're at the top of the list, although there are other conga systems out there.

Ok, enough with the begging or whatever. Just working out my personal obsession of late.

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