Friday, March 04, 2005

Blowed Out

So, Austin and I have gone to 2 nights of the Hamtramck Blowout. Wednesday night was cool, and they still had the all access wristbands for $10. I ran into Kelly (Tess's friend) and also Bobby from the Tap Room. He asked, "No Tap Room tonight?" and I told that we were checking out all the Blowout stuff instead.

The Expatriates played first on Wednesday, they rocked.I really want to check them out again sometime. Tiny Steps was also really good. I was not much of a fan of Lee Marvin Computer Arm. I think they sound like the Hives, but crappier and with a trumpet. And of course Thunderbirds Are Now kicked ass, with even a Cobain-style dive into the drums at the end by Ryan Allen, the lead guitarist.

Last night Austin and I went to see Catalog only. They were playing at this little bar called Shenanigans and we went for them and stay to see Proxi, which featured a female singer, and I thought little else to recomend them. Maybe the sound was bad in there, but I just wasn't digging them. We left after their set, because the next couple bands seemed much more hardcore, and I was getting tired and such.

-The Geek

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