Thursday, June 30, 2005

Awesome coolness.

* Wow, looks like Blogger added the new hotness to their own picture hosting service. Neat.

In other news, I was busy last night on different Torrent sites, downloading the last episode of Dr. Who from (Thanks Chris) and also Penn and Teller's Bullshit. I watched the episode about circumcision. Ahh!!! I think if I have kids, and there's a boy, I will not have that done to him.

I also looked for porn. Yay! Porn!

The other thing I had downloaded was Entourage. I watched the first episode, which was pretty good. Apparently, later in the season, Monica Keena (who was awesome on the sadly canceled Undeclared) plays the ex-girlfriend of one of the main characters. Nice.

*BTW: The picture is of me circa 1980, when we were living in Ohio

Monday, June 27, 2005

Sunset at the Tool Shed

Sunset at the Tool Shed
Originally uploaded by M Kawamoto.

Here's a picture I took at sunset after the wedding. I think I need more powerful image editing tools to really bring out the color it really was.

Weekend recaplet

The wedding I went to this last weekend was pretty fun, although it did cost a bit, because I had a hotel room. Quick run-down of events.

Friday. Left from work ~6PM.
Drove towards Traverse City.
Stopped for dinner in West Branch. MacDonalds has WiFi. Regret not bringing laptop.
Horrendous thunderstorm dumps down ~9PM. Cars slow to 10MPH.
Arrive at hotel at 9:30PM.
Go to "Tool Shed"(location of reception) to hang out with Derek.
Saturday morning. Got card for wedding.
Checked out small knitshop in Cedar, MI for Mom while killing time before ceremony.
Hung out with former RATs before being shuttled to church.
Ceremony, short and sweet. Choir members from GP North sing.
Reception at "Tool Shed." Food: Prime Rib, Chicken, Red Skin Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Wild Rice Mix. Desert: 5 kinds of cake, Ice Cream Cake, Hand-dipped Ice Cream in 7 flavors.
Walk in woods to work off some of dinner.
Hang out with people.
Sunday. Drove through downtown Traverse City.
Headed south.
Stopped at Birch Run Outlet Mall for lunch and to find some new swim trunks and a pair of shorts.
Got stuck in traffic for 1 and 1/2 hours just north of Clarkston.
Arrived at folks house ~5PM
Had dinner with folks and sister.
Had desert (TCBY) with Fisher.
Went home. Unpacked, watched TV. Went to sleep.

Further inquiries of events will be routed to my press secretary, Ms. Hayawenta.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I am an individual, just like everyone else.

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Maybe we should get this for the group?

I always wondered how Google got such good search results.

Google's PigeonRank system

Posted as an April Fools prank in 2002

Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's Thursday. Do you know where your cat is?

This may be rather random, as I'm kind of sleepy, and not terribly interested in work right now.

In not-too-important-to-you news, I'm going up north this weekend for a wedding. It's the advisor for the RATs (Radio Astronomy Team, a club I was in in high school), who's wedding it is, and it's up near Traverse City. It should be pretty fun, They're having the reception in the hanger of the private airfield her fiance co-owns. That's neat. What's not so neat is that I ended up having to get a hotel room for 2 nights. Maybe I'll have to check out some of the sights in the Traverse area.

My dad fixed my washer last night. My mom and sister also stopped by. It was Lani's birthday, so we got dinner. I still have a bunch leftover. Maybe I shouldn't go out for dinner. Maybe someone who stops by over the weekend can finish it off.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Tiki yes, Denny's No!

Last night Tiki Bob's was a lot of fun. I had a good time, Tiki Bob was there, Beckie was hit on by a lesbian, and Chris2 actually showed up. After Tiki, Fisher, Beckie, Jessica and I went to Denny's on Gratiot. Worst service ever. Beckie and Jessica had gotten there before Chris and I, and had not seen a waitress to attend to them. Even once we had arrived we waited 20 minutes before the food runner finally took our order. Long story short, Chris got the manager to comp our food. Go Chris!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Nerd-tastical but not testicle

Neat article in the New York Times about nerds and Star Wars.

Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out
By Neal Stephenson

Registration required, but it's free and you should do it, 'cause that's what all the cool kids are doing

Friday, June 17, 2005

Heart of the City

Heart of the City, originally uploaded by M Kawamoto.

Thought this was appropriate for today.

Also, check this out.

Oddness and the oddity

Several months ago I put up a link to some pirate jokes and I still get hits on tis page every day looking for pirate jokes. But only through Yahoo's search engine. That's because Google rocks and knows that my 'blog is rather thin on the jokes. Thus I do not rank high on them. Ok, just thought I'd share some of the randomness that is the universe.

There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

-Douglas Adams

Celebrity Crush #2 crushed

So, in case you haven't heard the news yet, Katie Holmes was engaged to Tom Cruise this morning on the freakin' Eiffel Tower. Hm, seems like a certain list of mine has a new item.

Husbands to arrange to have die under mysterious circumstances so I can date their actress widows:

  1. Freddie Prinze Jr.
  2. Tom Cruise Just Added

Tom Cruise Proposes to Katie Holmes

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Berkley Sty-lee

The O.C: Oakland County Berkley Sty-lee

We now return from our regularly unscheduled hiatus-type thingy.

Producer: How are we going to do the show with our star injured?
Network Exec #1: Eh, just replace him and have a guest host. Or have a trippy dream sequence.
Writer: We could totally use the Vicodin prescription for comedy gold!
[Wanders off muttering something about “redheads”]
Producer: So who do you propose we get to guest star?
Network Exec #2: How about Greg Evigan? He hasn’t done anything since My Two Dads.
Producer: I think Patrick Duffy is looking for work also.
NE #1: No, those guys still cost too much. Hmm. Belushi’s dead and Michael Gross is doing all those Lifetime movies.
NE #2: Which Belushi are you talking about? The actual dead one or the one whose career is dead?
NE #1: The actual dead one. What about Brian Doyle Murray?
Producer: I think that just might work. With sexy results!

I walk into the meeting then.

Me: So what’s up?
NE #2: We’ve decided that we’re going to have Brian Doyle Murray take over your role until you’re healed.
Me: Really? Is he just going to be doing my stunts for me? ‘Cause I can totally handle everything but the stunts.
NE #1: Sure. We’ll let you know when the stunt double needs to take over.

The Next Day.

I am laying on my couch, having just taken a Vicodin for my arm pain.

Me: This stuff makes me so sleepy… maybe I’ll just take a nap… zzzzzz.

We now enter my dreamworld. Sitting on fluffy tie-dyed pillows are Alyson Hannigan, Alicia Witt, Robin Tunney,, Julianne Moore and Gillian Anderson.

Me: Awesome. Redheads!
Alyson Hannigan: What’s my name!
Me: [jokingly] Didn’t you use that line in American Pie?
AH: [angrier] Say my name, Bitch!
Me: [scared but turned on]Alyson!
Julianne Moore: I’m in the F.B.I.
Gillian Anderson: So am I.
Robin Tunney: By the power of three times three…
Me: Is this going anywhere?
Alicia Witt: Yes, it is. We’re all going make out with you, and have our way with you.
Me: These are some good drugs.

The ladies start to kiss me and grope all over.

Director: Cut! Bring in the stunt double!
Me: What?!!
Director: You’re injured. You can’t do these scenes so Brian Doyle Murray will be your stunt double during the most sexy parts. You’d be in great peril.
Me: I can handle the peril!
Director: No, you can’t. It’s much too perilous.
Me: Bet you’re gay.

I then have to move out of the way and Brian Doyle Murray takes my place.

Me: This sucks.

Join us next time when Chloe may or may not reappear and decide that my broken arm was the result of meteor rocks.

Best Batman Movie Yet!

Ok, saw "Batman Begins" with Dan, Tess and Tim. For free also, because Dan's free passes expired today, (er, yesterday), and so we went and saw it. It was spectacuolar. This is one I'll see again. Squee!

-The Dork

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More car suckiness

I must have bad "car-ma" as this morning on my way into work, after my doctor's appointment, I was trying to pass a tree-service truck (on the right, this is Michigan, after all), and I got another stone chip in my windshield. I should clarify that all the car mishaps in the last week have involved my '97 Saturn, the backup car.

In other news less automobile-related,("Auto-mobiiilllee? Donger need stay away from new-style American girlfriend"), I finally have tried the Enormous Omelet Sandwich from BK. It's tasty, but I'm not sure I'll finish it.

That Burger King dude still creeps me out.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Big chunk of metal in tire

Big chunk of metal in tire
Big chunk of metal in tire,
originally uploaded by M Kawamoto.
Well, car troubles have abounded today. I stopped by the dealership to have my A/C serviced and they found the Freon system hd several leaks, and to fix it would cost ~$1400. I opted not to spend that kind of money on my secondary car, even though the check and inspection cost $85.

Then on the way home, I was a couple blocks from home when I noticed this clinking noise that was coming from the tire. When I got home, I inspected the tire and found this big hunk of metal sticking out of it.

I ended up calling my co-worker, who's very knowledgable with cars to see if he could help me out. He determined that I needed a new tire, so we hot-footed it back to the Saturn dealer who had a tire in stock and who was still open. $115 later, I'm back on the road. Erghh.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Ok, this is a link to a post to a link, but, let me just sum up what's being said here. Robert X. Cringely posits that the Apple-Intel switch leaves open a chance for Intel to buy Apple. Cringely's on crack if he thinks that would happen. Intel is not in the PC business for one and for two, Steve Jobs would never let someone else control the destiny of Apple. Here's the link at

Cringely predicts: Intel to buy Apple, dethroning Microsoft

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Arm Update

Well, went to the orthopedist this morning, and looks like I won't require a cast, just the sling. But I basically have to rest it for the next six weeks. I have an appointment to see him again next week to check my progress. Well, that was boring. Sorry.

-The Gimp

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Yup, it's broken.

So, anyway, my arm is broken. I have a fracture in my right radial bone. But I have drugs, ah, lovely vicodine. I will probably take a nap as I spent most of the night in the emergency room. I think I am out for Catalog Only too. Nice weather we're having, though.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Nothing too important here.

Just a little notation of no importance.

I saw someone on a forum I read refer to a person as a "go-tard." I think this is an excellent insult.

That's it.

here's the reference: Who's the go-tard with spinners on their STi?