In other news, I was busy last night on different Torrent sites, downloading the last episode of Dr. Who from TVtorrents.com (Thanks Chris) and also Penn and Teller's Bullshit. I watched the episode about circumcision. Ahh!!! I think if I have kids, and there's a boy, I will not have that done to him.
I also looked for porn. Yay! Porn!
The other thing I had downloaded was Entourage. I watched the first episode, which was pretty good. Apparently, later in the season, Monica Keena (who was awesome on the sadly canceled Undeclared) plays the ex-girlfriend of one of the main characters. Nice.
*BTW: The picture is of me circa 1980, when we were living in Ohio
That's a very pretty bonnet you're wearing.
Now, what did you think of Doctor Who? Glad to be of service with the series. :-)
Also, with the available for download Bullshit eps, I think the Bible, The Business of Love, Fountain of Youth, and Big Brother (in that order).
Their best (that I've seen)is still in Season 1, and unavailable on tvtorrents, which is that creationism one.
Also, when did your hair change color from red to black?
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