Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More car suckiness

I must have bad "car-ma" as this morning on my way into work, after my doctor's appointment, I was trying to pass a tree-service truck (on the right, this is Michigan, after all), and I got another stone chip in my windshield. I should clarify that all the car mishaps in the last week have involved my '97 Saturn, the backup car.

In other news less automobile-related,("Auto-mobiiilllee? Donger need stay away from new-style American girlfriend"), I finally have tried the Enormous Omelet Sandwich from BK. It's tasty, but I'm not sure I'll finish it.

That Burger King dude still creeps me out.


Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you pass on the right. Or, well, windshield spiders seem to happen a lot around here regardless.

Also, Ginormous Omelet Sandwich is awesome. And so is the Burger King dude.

Pointedly Anonymous said...

Spiders scare me.

At least its all on the backup, and not the new one. :-)

I've never had the ginormous sandwich.

Jessica B. said...

I love the Burger King dude! I want him to tap on my window one morning bearing food, and then he can play with Raffi. No, better yet, I want to wake up with him in bed with me cause I love waking up next to weird plastic-faced kings of burgers. And he would have the omelet thing too, of course. And then we would laugh, hahahaaaaaaaaaa.