Of course, Friday was Ninja Prom. I got all Ninja-ed up, and because I ran out of cough drops, had to stop by Walmart in my Ninja costume. I was surprised that no one said anything, but I think I got some weird looks. After my retail experience I went to the Prom. It was pretty fun, they crowned a King and Queen, and had a raffle and you could have your picture taken, like at Prom. I actually won something in the raffle. I won a Darth Vader FatHead, which is this giant wall sticker.
Not sure where I'm going to put it, but I'll figure it out.
Here's a picture of me in the ninja costume.

Try to find the ninja in this picture.

The next day, eventually I met up with Austin and Beckie and I drove us down to Toledo for Ryan's Graduation celebration. We stopped at Hardee's for dinner. They have pretty good burgers for fast food. When we got to Toledo (after taking the "Detour of Doom") we headed out to Fat Freddy's, a bar that The PD (Ryan's boss) works part-time as a bartender. They had for appetizers some interesting things, like broiled asparagus with garlic and parmesan, and poblano pepper rings like onion rings. John and Julie left after while as did Jack and Ben (?), but the rest of us, being Ryan, Beckie, Austin, Jay and I headed to RHouse, which was very draggy. As in dudes in women's clothes. Very slightly unsettling. All this time my throat had still been bugging me. After the bar, we went back to Ryan's, I got some tylenol and we eventually headed home at 3AM.
Sunday, I woke up way too early but couldn't get back to sleep for the coughing, and watched TV and eventually fell asleep on the couch a couple different times before actually making it to my bed for a nap. I didn't really do anything else on Sunday.
This morning, I was still feeling crappy, so I called in sick to work. I think I'll take a nap this afternoon. I would really like to be better already. I don't know, I might actually have to go to the doctor, though I don't have one, so I have to find one. What a pain.
Good luck getting over this sickness, it took me a week! It is terrible!
You can always put your fathead at my Darth Vader crib!
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