Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memorialness. The wheels come off.

Ah, the looooong weekend. So long. So drunken.

Friday, Austin and I had a couple of beers at the Berkley Front and did some discussin'.

Saturday, I went to Sam's to pick up some supplies for Saturday, and then headed up to Anna's for her birthday barbeque. Once I got there I proceeded to eat too much, drink way too much, sat around the bonfire and generally had a good time. We burned pallets and cardboard and pretty much anything else we could find. I think we drank all the beer in Anna's house. I ended falling asleep on the futon in the basement as there was no way that I was going to drive home after drinking all that beer and the shots. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the futon was supposed to Sarah's bed for the night. I think Beckie tried to wake me about 3AM but I was having none of it. I finally woke up about 8:30AM to drive home. Nobody was up except a couple of the dogs. I had to get home to my dog.

Later on Sunday, I went shopping and stuff. Later, John, Julie, Jessica and Ari showed up for the barbeque. The weather decided to clear up, so it was actually nice by the time I got around to grilling. I just did some hamburgers and a Michigan salad. Everybody ended up leaving around 8 or so, and I called Austin to see what he was up to. We ended up heading over to the WAB for some beers. We would have gotten liquor, but we were sadly informed that they no longer have $1.50 well drinks on Sundays. We could this had been a detriment to their business, as it was definitely not as busy in there as I had remembered it being when there was the special. We didn't stay that late as Austin was heading to Cedar Point in the morning.

On Memorial Day, I took the dog for a walk and made a picnic lunch and then headed up to Pine Knob to watch the autocross. I got there just as the third heat ended and the fourth was about to start. I took some pictures of some of the guys I knew racing and also took out my R/C drift car and played around some. When everything was done, a couple of the suby people met up at Mr. B's in Royal Oak, where we had some dinner, and of course, I had another beer.

This all added up to be a not great weekend for me dietwise. I ended up cutting my hair on Sunday. With the haircut, I lost .8 lbs for the week, which probably means there was a net gain in bodyweight.

As for the t-shirts, I ended the experiment, and wore all of my t-shirts, though I think I somehow missed one. I have to check.

This coming weekend, I'm watching Scooter for "Mike", as he's heading to NJ to look at places to live and such things. "Mike" dropped him off last night and I have to find out when I can return him.

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