Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Check up, shots, drugs.

Guess who lost 7 pounds? No, not me. Skippy! He's down to 35 pounds, which is about where he's supposed to be. I had to take him to the Vet yesterday for his yearly shots. I also had to bring along a fresh stool sample so they could check for worms. Lovely.

The vet was really over-cheerful, especially about the poo. Kind of disturbing.

So, Skippy got his shots and blood drawn, and I got his heartworm tablets. He got a cookie. Then we walked home. The vet's office is only about 6 blocks away.

I also fired up the grill for the first time yesterday. I had steak and asparagus on the grill. Delicious.


Pointedly Anonymous said...

Dog poo! YAY!

The Judge said...

I guess he's not a Chunky Stew anymore.
