Monday, January 30, 2006

Much more than expected

I am really tired today. Which is surprising. We helped Jessica move yesterday, but I wasn't that tired last night, and I didn't go to bed that late, but still, I did not want to wake up this morning. Must get more coffee.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I saw Underworld: Evolution tonight with Tess and Tim. It was pretty decent, lots of action, even if the plot was a little lacking in parts. Plus Kate Beckinsdale was naked, but the shot naked so you can't see the good parts way.

After the movie I stayed at Tess and Tim's to watch The Fifth Element, which I've seen literally dozens of times, but Tess has the "Ultimate" or "Extra-Spectacular" or some-such edition which has a trivia track along with it, so that was pretty cool.

For dinner, I ended up going out with John and Julie, and we were going to go to Texas Roadhouse, but it was packed, so we ended up going to the Clawson Steakhouse. It was pretty good, although, we were a little underdressed. There's apparently live music and dancing Weds through Sat. The band was a pretty cheesy lounge act. We left soon after the band started.

That's about it. I should head to bed as I have to help Jessica move in the tomorrow. I wanted to say morning, because relative to when I'm getting up, it's early, but it will be after noon, so it's technically afternoon, but that just doesn't seem right either. Weird.

Monday, January 23, 2006

And then Nerds begat Dorks and Dorks begat Dweebs

This weekend was a lot of fun. If not a bit nerdy. Friday, I went over to Austin's to play Magic with him and ChrisB, and then a bit later, Beckie, Jenn, Ryan, Ryan's friend and Coronado came over to watch anime.

After a while we were hungry so we went to the Redcoat Tavern where once again there was the guy with reverse sideburns. Then the girls spent the night with Austin. On his couch. With him upstairs.

Saturday, I didn't wake up until 2:00PM, so I missed going to breakfast with Austin and Jenn and Beckie. After that Austin and I carpooled to the LAN party, picking up Jordan on the way.

At about 11:00 we left there to meet hot girls at the bar. We closed out the bar with the hot girls and went back to their apartment where we spent the night.

The hot girls were Beckie and Jenn, and I slept on the floor, because we were too tired and drunk to drive home. It was a strange morning after, Jenn made gyoza and tea, Austin and Beckie had Lucky Charms. Somehow this was funnier or more interesting in my head.

Best quote of the weekend: "Is there something wrong with Austin?" -Ryan on the phone after talking to Austin who was all jacked up on Jaegar bombs and beer.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Midseason Series Premieres Part Tres


The Book of Daniel
(Friday at 10:00)
Grade: B
There’s so much stuff jammed into the season premiere, it took 2 hours to tell it, so, here’s the shortish version. Daniel Webster (Aidan Quinn; Desperately Seeking Susan [ha!]) is an Episcopal priest, with a borderline alchoholic wife, a daughter just caught for dealing pot, a gay son, and a horny adopted asian son. His sister-in-law is a burgeoning lesbian, her dead husband ran off with $3.2 million of the church’s money and is found dead with the money still missing. Oh, and Daniel talks to Jesus, in a he’s invisible but in the room kind of way. Daniel’s boss, the bishop (Ellen Burstyn) is hassling him, and his father, another bishop, doesn’t think much of him. There’s actual even more things going on, but if this has interested you enough already, maybe you should check out the show.

I like this show. Not love it, but it’s definitely interesting. What I like best is when Daniel talks to Jesus, because, it’s pretty funny usually. Jesus is a bit mysterious, and a bit cryptic. The daughter is also pretty good. What I don’t like about the show is the fact that every time they talk to or about the gay son, it has to be mentioned that he’s gay and they seem to make a huge deal of it. There’s actually a lot of different plot threads going on, and it’s a bit confusing. Though to be honest, when I watched the second episode, I was playing a videogame and not really concentrating on the TV. Anyways, I think it’s interesting enough to keep watching.

Four Kings
(Thursday at 8:30)
Grade: C+
Ben’s (Josh Cooke; Committed) grandma has died and left him a gigantic NY apartment, into which he invites his 3 best friends to live with him. Barry (Seth Green; BtVS, Austin Powers) is a music producer, Jason (Todd Grinnell) is a real estate developer working for a Trump-type mogul, and Bobby (Shane McRae) is a slacker. Ben is the serial monogamist of the group, where Barry is the perpetually put-upon loser in the love game. This is a situation that would only be found in the sitcom.

Once you get past the very Friends-like setup of the show, you find a show that’s struggling a bit to find its feet. There have been a few very funny moments and quite a few more where the jokes fell flat. You can see that there is a long friendship and familiarity between the characters though, especially in the in-jokes and strange rituals that always seems to manifest in groups that have been friends for a long time. The show is not bad, but is just so uneven, that sometimes even the good laughs are dragged down by lame setups and unnecessary selling of the joke. I really want to like this show, as Seth Green definitely has the comedic abilities, and is especially funny when playing indignant or angry, but the Jason and Bobby characters I find not really that funny. I don’t know if the writers just haven’t found good material for them, or what, but I hope that they can make a better contribution to the show soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Midseason Series Reviews Part Deux


Love Monkey
(Tuesday at 10:00)
Grade : A-
Tom Farrell(Tom Cavanaugh; Ed) is a sucessful A&R rep at a large music corporation. He lives music, literally, music is his life, and he has a “golden ear” for what is good. In the process of trying to get a talented singer/songwriter to sign with the label, he speaks his mind about what he thinks the label should be, and is fired for it. His girlfriend at the same time comes to the realization that Tom is not who she’s looking for and dumps him. He then tries to start his own label and continues to pursue the talent. Eventually he realizes he should be letting the talent do what’s best for them and not what’s best for him. Tom then gets offered a job at a small label run by a friend, who’s happened to have signed the guy he was after.

I really like this show. I never watched Ed much, but apparently Tom’s character is similar in many respects to Ed. Which if true, it’s too bad I never watched Ed. The supporting cast is excellent, it’s good to see Judy Greer and Jason Priestley. The writing seems good, and the music is excellent. It seems as though no reviewer can write about this show without making a comparison to High Fidelity, which for better or for worse, it does seem to draw some inspiration from, most especially the music snob slant of Tom’s tastes. I guess because I’m a bit of a music snob myself, I can relate to many of Tom’s observations about the “biz.” Maybe I just hope that there is someone out there like Tom, looking for the next great sound, not just the next Big Thing.


(Thursday at 9:30)
Grade: C+
Mitch (Fred Savage; The Wonder Years) is a “famous” screenwriter who had escaped his family after the traumatic death of his older brother. He returns home to help out after his mom (Jane Curtin) is released from the mental hospital for attempting to run down their father (William Devane) with a car. His father has left his mother and is having a baby with his new girlfriend. His brother still resents him for running away. Did I mention his family runs a restaurant? Mitch is in the closet, his brother Jody (the Chef) is a player, and his father secretly does the books for the restaurant when not at his new job as a new-agey massage therapist. And his mother is still crazy.

As far as sitcoms go, Crumbs is pretty decent. There were some good laughs, and the cast seems to work as a dysfunctional family should. The show was based on the creator’s actual family and events that happened to them, so at least the premise has a smidge of truth to it. It remains to be seen whether it will fall into typical sitcom plots and jokes, or will it rise above and be truly a show for the ages. (My money’s on the first one)

Added 11:22 PM, 01/19/06: BTW, the laughtrack on Crumbs is horrible intrusive.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Midseason Series Premieres Part Uno


Emily’s Reasons Why Not
(Monday at 9:00)
Grade: D+
So, I just read that ERWN’s production has been halted by ABC. This could mean any number of things, like they want to retool the show, but most likely it means that it will be canceled.
In short, Emily (Heather Graham) is an editor for a publishing house, and if she can think of 5 reasons why a guy is not right, she’ll dump him. She has a female friend and a gay friend. They assist her in this quest. She also has an office rival. In the premiere, she has just broken up with her boyfriend, who is also who’s book she’s publishing. She then dates the new marketing guy. He is reluctant to get physical, and has “weird” habits, thus leading to the “Reasons Why Not” and subsequent dumping. Most of the reasons are fairly shallow, except for the biggy, she thinks he’s gay and her friends gaydar concurs, while the truth is, he’s a Mormon virgin. (What?) Thus is the first episode.

In homage to the show, let me review it with Mike’s Reasons Why Not to Watch.

  1. Annoying, annoying (yes, 2 times annoying) voice over and goofy-ass graphics for the “Reasons Why Not”
  2. Only one reasonably likable character and one incredibly, horribly annoying character
  3. Writing is, in a word, dull
  4. Compared to Sex and the City in way too many reviews, usually disparagingly
  5. Just not funny or remotely original

It’s not that a show needs to be original, but if it’s a sitcom, it should at least elicit some laughter. This show just did not. It also seemed to suffer somewhat from schizophrenia, jumping from a surrealistic chick-com (ala Ally McBeal) to more standard sit-com-y conventions and many other points in between and farther out. Let me give some suggestions to the producers, such as, tone down the “reasons why not”, get rid of the rival co-worker, and give her friends something to do, other than bitch about Emily’s boyfriend du jour.

And my affection, well it comes and goes

Weird fact: I have heard The Killers' All These Things That I've Done 3 separate times today. Once on my way to work, once when I got back in my car after lunch, and just now when I got back to my desk.

I had actually started a post with this title earlier, but the internet went funky at work, so it got lost, but as I had little actually in it, it really wasn't a big deal. So many clauses in my writing, it's a little ridiculous. It makes me think of Gilmore Girls which I watched last night, and where Paris is reading people's submissions and starts editing this one guy's and berating him for splitting infinitives. I think it was split infinitives... I don't know, this whole grammar thing escapes me at times. This leads me to my next thought. (Well it does, sort of tangentially, but that's neither here nor there.)

I watch a lot of TV. I used to read a lot. The thing is, TV has not displaced all the reading I used to do, it just postpones it, usually to the detriment of my sleep schedule, or lack thereof. Reading is important. Especially if you have to write anything. Most engineers I've met are horrible writers. I'm merely unsatisfactory. You know what? I'm not really sure anymore where I'm going with this. Um, kids? Yeah, uh, kids, you should read. Reading is good. Yeah, that's it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

24 Reasons To Stay Home On Monday Nights

Well, I watched the 24 season premiere last night. Usually promos for this type of thing where they tell you to not miss the first 10 minutes or the last ten minutes, and then you watch the show, and nothing happens in either of those cases, well this was the exception. I literally jumped off my couch and started yelling. There was so much packed in the first two hours and there's two more hours tonight. 24 is just one of those shows that gets you hooked. Jack Bauer is back, with a vengeance, and hard to kill, and above the law, and out for justice, and marked for death, and under siege, and under siege 2, and on deadly ground.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Chuck Norris knows Chuck Norris

Looks like Chuck Norris knows about the awesome Chuck Norris Fact generator. There's an article over at TV Squad about it.

Favorite new fact: Chuck Norris can unscramble an egg.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mini-review: Referral Trading Sites

I've been checking my search referrals and see that I've gotten a couple hits regarding both Referral Swapper and Refstop. Here's my opinion on them.

Refstop was/is great. Lots of people to swap with, and I never had a trade not complete. I actually got my FreePSP thanks to them. My only suggestion was that they make it easier to opt out of getting asked for trades on sites you don't want to do. Recommended.

On the other hand, Referral Swapper sucked. I got lots of requests for trades, but generally from shadier people. I got scammed twice, and never completed any trades there. Not recommended.

The problem I see with the trading sites is, most people want to get referrals from reputable sites, like the Freepay ones, and if you're trying to get more than one prize within that network, it will get harder to find people to trade with who haven't already signed up for the "good" sites. So, if you got in earlier, it was probably easier, and there was a lot less competition.

This is just my take on it, and my opinions. Take from it what you may. Good luck.

Fall TV Returning Series Midseason Reviews

Midseason grades


Desperate Housewives
(Sunday at 9:00)
Midseason Grade: B
This season has been a sophomore slump if ever there was such a thing. There have been good moments, and funny moments, but overall, it’s just not the brilliant satire of last season. Everybody seems a bit meaner or something. Lynette is just crazy.

Grey’s Anatomy
(Sunday at 10:00)
Midseason Grade: A
There was an article I read a little while ago about Grey’s Anatomy with an interview with Katherine Heigl (Izzie) and from that we know that one of the interns will be leaving and Izzie will find herself in a love triangle. Should be interesting. I really like this show. There’s a depth to the characters that is very appealing.

(Wednesday at 9:00)
Midseason Grade: A
Geez, it’s been a long time since we’ve had a new episode, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but what I remember is that this show is awesome.

(Thursday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: B-
Alias seems to have picked up a little bit of steam during Sweeps mostly due to the episode guest starring Michael Vartan. That was actually a really good episode with a few hints that Vaughn is not actually dead. Unfortunately we have rather long wait until the next new episode, sometime in March.


(Friday at 10:00)
Midseason Grade: B
Math is awesome. That’s what this show’s message really is. There haven’t been any bad episodes, but no really great episodes, and yet I always find myself looking forward to it. It’s just a solid show with intriguing characters, especially Charlie and Prof. Fleinhart.


The Simpsons
(Sunday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: B+
Treehouse of Horror and the Christmas episodes were really clever. Most people will agree though, that the last couple seasons haven’t been as strong as some of the earlier seasons, but there are still those moments of brilliance that remind us why we keep watching.

The Family Guy
(Sunday at 9:00)
Midseason Grade: B
Thank the TV gods they brought back Family Guy. I started watching it on Cartoon Network and soon got hooked. It’s crude and occasionally very esoteric, but very funny. I think the episodes they’ve shown this season have been really great. And thankfully whoever runs the promo department hasn’t shown all the funny parts of the episodes in the promos. There’s usually some sort of surprise plotline or tangent that ends up being hilarious.

American Dad
(Sunday at 9:30)
Midseason Grade: B-
Not much to say about it, it’s amusing, and will stay in the queue, but it hasn’t been a breakout hit to me.

Arrested Development
(Monday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: A+
I still don’t understand why people don’t watch. It’s the funniest show on TV, hands down. This last episode “S.O.B.s” or “Save Our Bluths” was awesome, skewering every silly promo idea that shows use to raise ratings, from a special “3-D” section, to a cavalcade of guest stars, and even a “live” segment.

That 70’s Show
(Wednesday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: B
Eric’s gone, and Kelso was only around for a couple episodes. More Fez is not what we wanted. Although the episode where they stole the clown was pretty funny.

(Wednesday at 8:30)
Midseason Grade: B+
I think the writing has been better this season than previously. Either that, or my expectations are just a lot lower.

The O.C.
(Thursday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: B+
As crazy as the first couple episodes of the season were, the rest so far have been somewhat calmer. I don’t expect this to last as Marissa’s sister is returning, and at least according to the promos, she will be very much her mother’s daughter. As in, be-yotch! Also, in homage to 90210, they gang will attempt to get Marissa re-enrolled at Harbor so she can graduate with everybody.

Malcolm in the Middle
(Friday at 8:30)
Midseason Grade: B+
This is a show that has continued to sort of fly under the radar. Which means, either it will be canceled soon, or continue for a couple more years. It’s still pretty funny, although there’s been less Stevie and not enough Francis for my taste.


Crossing Jordan
(Sunday at 10:00)
Midseason Grade: B-
This fulfills my Crime Scene Investigation quota, without having to submit to the plethora of C.S.I.s that invade other nights of the week. Maybe they’ll finally get Jordan and Woody together. Who knows.

(Monday at 10:00)
Midseason Grade: A-
This season has been really good. Riveting, really, although the 3-D episode was a little over-the-top and cheesy, but as a general rule, it’s one of the shows I make a point of watching live every week.

The Office
(Tuesday at 9:30)
Midseason Grade: A
I think it was really the Christmas Party episode that has sold me completely on the show. I’ve watched it a couple times and it’s funnier every time. I think the upcoming “booze cruise” episode should be awesome.

“I’ve decided to quit drinking. During the week.”

(Thursday at 8:30)
Midseason Grade: B-
Nothing much changed here. It’s been bumped down the priority list though in favor of Everybody Hates Chris


Veronica Mars
(Wednesday at 9:00)
Midseason Grade: A
Continued awesome-ness. Jury episode was slightly weak, but still a thousand times better than 99% of the other shows out there.


Gilmore Girls
(Tuesday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: A
Yay! Rory and Lorelei have reconciled! There’s a wedding date to be set! Luke has an illegitimate child! Huh? Yeah. That was kind of a plotline I didn’t expect. We shall see how it works out. Otherwise though, good season, especially the episode where Lane’s band has a meltdown at an industry showcase. (For clarification, I am not in the “Logan-haters” club, more like the “Logan-meh” club.)

(Thursday at 8:00)
Midseason Grade: C-
I’m not sure that I can explain why I still watch this show, except for the fact that it gives me something to complain about. Aquaman episode was quite lame, Lexmas was lame, sorority vampire lesbians somehow made lame.

(Thursday at 9:00)
Midseason Grade: A-
As usual, stellar writing, excellent direction and visuals, along with a scene stealing Bright Abbott have propelled along this season. For excellent non-soapy drama, this is the place to be.

What I Like About You
(Friday at 8:00 *Additional episode at 8:30)
Midseason Grade: C
Generally amusing, and I think Amanda Bynes is really funny. And Jennie Garth is also very funny, too bad the writing isn’t as funny as either of them. I hope there’s not a shark close to the set, as they might just jump it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Waiting with baited breath

No, that doesn't mean I've been eating worms, but rather it's that most hallowed day for Mac geeks everywhere. The day of the Steve-note. Only another 45 minutes until the start, which means I'll be closely watching any one of a variety of sites that supposedly will have live updaates. Ah, how I long for the days of the live streaming version.

Monday, January 09, 2006

There are snakes on the motherf*ing plane!

This is the best title ever. Snakes on a Plane

Starring Samuel L. Jackson. God-damn, god-damn snakes!

One guys Snakes on a Plane blog

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

They're back! Midseason reviews are in.

OK, here's a update with Midseason grades for all the new fall shows. I'll put up some reviews of the new midseason shows once they premiere. Here's what I'm likely to be watching that's new. Emily's Reason's Why Not, Skating With Celebrities, Crumbs, Four Kings, Courting Alex. On with the grades.

Season Premiere Grades Part 1
Season Premiere Grades Part 2
Season Premiere Grades Part 3
Season Premiere Grades Part 4
1st Semester Grades


(Thursday at 9:00 *Canceled)
See previous post
They are not going to show the whole season of this show, and the producers have said they couldn’t wrap up the story in the remaining episodes, so anyone watching the show is kind of left in the lurch.

Kitchen Confidential
(Monday at 8:30 *Canceled)
Original Grade: A
Midseason Grade: A
They only showed one more episode of this series before repeating Arrested Development in its place. That episode was very funny, guess starring Michael Vartan. I’m very disappointed that this was canceled.

Head Cases
(Wednesday at 9:00 *Canceled)
See previous post.

(Tuesday at 8:00)
Original Grade: B
Midseason Grade: B+
There’s some character development going on, although some of the cases haven’t been very interesting. The chemistry does seem to be working better though.


My Name Is Earl
(Thursdays at 9:00 before The Office)
Original Grade: A
Midseason Grade: A+
Long live Jason Lee! My Name Is Earl has not lost any ground, and if anything has been funnier than ever. It moves to Thursdays against tough CSI competition, and hopefully will survive.

(Monday at 8:00)
Original Grade: C+
Midseason Grade: B
Actually, I have started to get into this show. It’s not aliens, it’s sea creatures. And there’s some sort of government cover-up of these creatures. The show is good for watching when you don’t feel like really paying attention to something.


(Wednesday at 10:00 after Lost)
Original Grade: D
Midseason Grade: C
I’m still rather behind in watching this. And just checking, looks like Invasion is staying on Wednesday, and I’m not sure where Alias is going to be. Maybe it’s being displaced by Dancing With the Stars until that run is over. Argh. Anyway, my opinion of Invasion has not been drastically changed since I haven’t watched many episodes yet.

Commander in Chief
(Tuesday at 9:00)
Original Grade: A-
Revised Grade: A-
The show hasn’t been on since Thanksgiving, but the addition of Mark-Paul Gosselar to the cast should be interesting. It is coming back, so we’ll see how the rest of the season goes.


(Tuesday at 9:00 after Gilmore Girls)
Original Grade: B+
Midseason Grade: B
Not sure if the couple episodes I still have to watch will change the grade from the pre-Sweeps grade, but it has somewhat fallen in my rankings of what to watch.

(Friday at 9:30 *Moved to after Reba)
Original Grade: D+
Midseason Grade: B-
I think the characters are starting to gel a little, and it seems to be getting a bit better.

Just Legal
(Monday at 9:00 *Canceled)
See previous post

(Monday at 9:00)
Original Grade: C+
Updated Grade: B
There are definitely some deeper issues being dealt with, and of course a lot of family stuff, but overall, it’s kept its lighthearted atmosphere.


Everybody Hates Chris
(Thursday at 8:00)
Original Grade: A
Midseason Grade: A+
Best New Sitcom of the Year. If you don’t watch, I will come over there and break your leg, or chastise you, or something.

Love, Inc.
(Thursday at 8:30)
See previous review


How I Met Your Mother
(Monday at 8:30)
Original Grade: B+
Midseason Grade: A+
All hail Barney! This has become one of my favorite shows this season. “Have you met Ted?”

Out of Practice
(Monday at 9:30)
Original Grade: A-
Midseason Grade: A-
Continue the chuckle-headery! Stockard Channing anchors the show, allowing the rest of the cast to play off her, to very amusing results. Good stuff.

(Friday at 9:00 *Canceled)
Original Grade: A
Midseason Grade: A
I was very disappointed when this was canceled. The curse of the Friday Death Slot, I suppose. I really thought this would be the one that made it, but I guess it’s easier to believe that a government conspiracy is for their good rather than that of the people.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Post-bar New Years recaplet post

Ok, actually had a really fun New Years. Emerald Ballroom was cool. Didn't get too drunk. Sam did. He managed to hold out until we got to Austin's before throwing up in the bushes. Thanks to Darren and Marcus for picking us up when we couldn't get a cab. Thanks to Sarah for making food when we got back. No thanks to dude in blue sweater that tried to freak up on Jessica and Beckie. I'm going to drink a big glass of water now. Um. Hydration.