Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Did I forget to mention...

I don't think I ever posted anything about this weekend's dorkness. Well, anyway, Austin and I drove up to East Lansing to visit our friend John Machiorlatti. I think it only took just over an hour to get there. My car is teh fa5t3r. (Sorry to lapse into "leet" speak there. It's de rigueur when talking about your car on some of the forums I'm on.) So, back to the point. We were meeting up to play Magic: The Gathering, and also to see the house that John's parents had bought for his brother and him to live in and fix up while in Law School for the next 3 years. Both John and his brother (Dan?) are first years at Cooley.

We played Magic for a couple hours and then decided to get some dinner. We went looking for Mongolian BBQ, we eventually found it, not realizing it was in Okemos. There was a pretty long wait, so we wandered next door to Best Buy for a couple minutes. Eventually we got to eat, and it was good.

We then played a couple games after dinner and John also prodded Austin and I to buy firearms. John has a lot of guns, and I've been to the range with him a couple times, but I don't know if I want to actually own a gun. Then I might have to get a gun rack, and a pickup truck, and a hound dog, and chewing tobacco... and it goes on and on. Eventually we managed to say goodbye and head home. Austin has to work early Sundays so, we got back home around 11 and he went home.

I watched Hitch over the weekend. I signed up for the Blockbuster Online for one of the "Free iPods" or whatever (I can't remember which site it was for) and so I've been catching up on some movies. I also had Crash and Ocean's 12. I should be getting Lemony Snickett today.

-The Dork


Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling everyone we were playing Magic. Now I'm never gonna get to sit at the cool table.

The Judge said...

Dorks! Ha ha! Dorks!
