Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Late nights and Monday nights

Well, Skip decided to wake me up last night at 3:30 to go outside. I was not amused. He also decided he wanted to play when I was trying to leave this morning and didn't want to come inside. He can be a little bastard sometimes.

In non-dog stuff, this season of 24 continues to kick ass. In honor of that, I am submitting this link for your amusement:

Top 24 Jack Bauer Facts

As funny as Chuck Norris facts, but because I'm afraid of being roundhouse kicked, or tortured as a terrorist, I decline to say which is actually funnier.

1 comment:

The Judge said...

I'm sorry Skippy is being bad. I feel somehow responsible.

Hopefully he'll adjust to his new schedule soon. He's stubborn, but he's still a dog...

I think on many days "mike" left the dogs outside while he was at work.

Let me know if you need anything.
