Monday, November 13, 2006

Like A Bee, I'm Busy, See?

Lots of stuff went on this weekend and actually during the past week.

Austin and I watched Battlestar Galactica on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday he and I went to Jordan's to play Guitar Hero II all night. Wednesday also include Guitar Hero after BSG.

Friday night was Jessica's surprise Birthday Party. She was very surprised.

Saturday, I went to see Borat with Austin, Gerry, Melissa, Steve and Elizabeth. Then we went for food at Ted's and back to Austin's for more Guitar Hero.

Sunday I went to the Lions game with Julie. Julon's neighbor, Dave, came also with his son, Max. The Lions suck. After the game I went to my parents for dinner and then over to Austin's where Beckie and Jackie picked us up on our way to see The Return with Jenn, who we also picked up.

Much busy-ness.

Now, 2 second movie reviews.

Borat: Hilarious and disturbing.

The Return: Slow and false advertising.

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