Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Great Skip-scape

I decided to go a show after having dinner at the Redcoat with Austin, Beckie and JohnandJulie. The show was at the Berkley Front, and was this band, The Singles, who Austin and I had seen before, but for whom the new drummer was Brian G. formerly of Catalog Only.

Skippy was being a brat and didn't want to come inside so I thought he'd be ok outside, as the garage was open if he wanted to stay dry. Now I had some reservations about leaving him outside all day, and as it turns out, those reservations were well founded.

I drove over to the Front and I'm inside for only maybe 15 minutes, when I get a call from "Mike". It turns out that Skippy had managed to escape from the backyard and was found by a neighbor just down the block. The neighbor was on his way to the bowling alley and dropped Skippy off with me in front of the Berkley Front. I then drove him home and locked him in the crate. After that I went back for the rest of the show, having only been detoured for maybe 15 minutes.

The show was pretty good, although the second band, The Red Rocks were kind of meh. Brian's band, though, was really good, but having seen them before as a four-piece, I felt their sound was a little thin as a power trio.

Back to the fence issue, the weak point is my gate. It's only really held up by some bungie cords, and Skippy was able to push the gate enough to stretch and squeeze out. Maybe I shouldn't let him get any skinnier. :) Anyway, I guess I'll have to think of a way to fortify the gate if he's going to stay outside when I'm gone. I also need to get him a new I.D. tag with my phone number on it so "Mike" doesn't get calls about him.

I just insulted him in a Scottish accent... "You're just a big fat log!" Skippy that it, not "Mike".

I guess I'm lucky he didn't get too far and didn't wander out into the street at an inopportune time.

Now he's trying to look all innocent and put-upon. Stupid, cute, dog.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

What's up with the wnadering puppies this month?!?! How can they not realize how good they have it at home? Silly, cute pups.