Monday, March 28, 2005

More randomness

I saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou last night with Chris. It was really good. Very quirky, maybe a bit slow in parts, but very cool. I wasn't annoyed by the cutaways or the surreal imagery. It's definately not for everyone, but I liked it.

I also am just finishing watching Grey's Anatomy. I think it holds a lot of promise. None of the characters annoy me off the bat. And it's got Katherine Heigl. So Hot! The main character's backstory is also pretty interesting. It's sort of "Scrubs" but drama-y instead of sitcom-y. There were a couple things in the episode that I sort of saw coming but it made sense. I haven't watched ER in years, but it seems like that show has really gotten gimicky. I can't remember where I read it, but the person said that saying that the episode will be what everyone is talking about doesn't make it watercooler TV. I think that's what bugs me about ER is that now every episode has really annoying promos, "The episode you can't miss!" or "The last 5 minutes you won't believe!" Garrghh! Hopefully ABC doesn't start doing that to this show. Watch it. It's good. I swear.

In other news. I finally got an iPod this week. It wasn't from the free iPods thing I've been talking about, but I bought it off a co-worker for a really good price. It's so cool. Now I really need to look into putting a different radio in my car. I have one of the FM transmitter doo-hickeys, but it only gives so-so sound. I want hi-fidelity. Mucho sound-o. I also want to get my XM radio in the new car, but that also requires a workaround. There is a way to do both, and a cheap way and the cooler, more intergrated, much more expensive way. I would prefer the cooler way, and depending on what I do, it could be done in stages so as to decrease the cash layout.

Also, I recorded a couple movies this weekend. One was the original, good, version of The Ladykillers and the other was a cheesy Sci-Fi original movie starring Bruce Campbell, Alien Apocalypse. I've only watched a little bit of The Ladykillers to make sure it recorded correctly, but what I watched was good. The little old lady is awesome.

[Nerd Alert]
I'm 6 weeks behind on watching Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica. I'm also 6 weeks behind on MI-5 (which was on A&E). I've been slowly catching up on stuff, because during sweeps there was just too much new TV on. Maybe I watch too much TV, but because I can watch stuff whenever I want, I don't just watch whatever's on, I watch what I want to. I guess that's less random. I watched SNL from this weekend (it was a repeat w/Paris Hilton hosting but I hadn't seen it) and they had a pretty funny sketch about phone sex lines and who calls them and marketing to certain nerd subcultures, i.e. Trekkies, Star Wars dorks, Lord of the Rings nerds and D&D geeks. They even had a Dr. Who chatline. Hilarious.
I should really see how much TV a week I watch/record. I know there's a lot.
[/Nerd Alert]

I should go to bed. I have to work tomorrow. Even though I think the Big 3 are off, most everybody else isn't. Hopefully my drive home doesn't suck too bad. Blah.

-The Geek


khaleroo said...

I really liked zissou as well.
Here is my review at

khaleroo said...

I really liked zissou as well.
Here is my review at