Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I hate Detroit roads

Once again, fate has found a way to fuck me. Ok, well maybe not fuck, but at least give me a wet-willy. I was driving to lunch and got stuck behind a salt/plow truck getting on the freeway. I was about to pass him, when the guy behind me pulled into the passing lane preventing me from getting out from behind the truck. I then heard a loud crack, as a stone hit my windshield. I looked around and saw the thumbprint size spider of cracks on the windshield near the bottom of the glass. I was freakin' pissed off. This likely will mean I will have to deal with the insurance company again. If you are aware of what I went through the last time I had to deal with them, you will understand my reluctance to bring them into this matter. Fuckers. Damn road non-repairing fuckers. Damn Michigan freeze-thaw cycles causing excessive road erosion. Damn ass-monkeys cutting me off from passing fucking slow-ass stone-throwing salt trucks. Dammit.

-The Peeved

Update: 6:45pm

The crack spread the whole fucking way across the windshield. I hate this weather.


Anonymous said...

Dude, did someone curse your car?

Unknown said...

I guess so.

Pointedly Anonymous said...

I've never heard of a car being a karmic lemon.