Sunday, September 03, 2006

Three Dog Night

So, I'm watching Bentley and Sydney this weekend. My mom went down to New Orleans where my dad is going to be working for a couple months or so... he's not sure how long the project is supposed to last.

Anyways, the dogs are here until Tuesday. It was definately cramped last night in my bed with three dogs vying for position. At one point I was lying diagonal with my head in the corner and my feet hanging off the side.

There have been lots of happenings this weekend. Thursday night Dan, Austin and I went to Luna in Royal Oak with Coronado for his birthday. We ran into Austin's friend Alex there. She was using us a defense from this guy she knows that was at the bar.

Friday Dan, Austin and I met with Jenn and Beckie in Novi for bar-ness. Beckie left early but we stayed and also went to Mixx Lounge. We went to Denny's and there were drunk assholes sitting at the next booth.

Saturday, Lani dropped off the dogs and then at night I went to Austin's for poker. I lost, but Dan came in second.

It's now Sunday, and supposedly people are coming over. Fun.

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