Friday, March 03, 2006

Holding and folding

Went to Austin's last night for poker. I didn't want to leave Skippy alone for the evening, so I took him with me. He's not real stable in the car, I think for one because the seat material is kind of slippery and for two, because I drive sort of aggressively. All of Austin's poker buddies liked him though.

Anyway, I was doing O.K. at poker at first, I won the first hand with a pretty decent pot, but didn't really win a lot of hands after that, staying in a few hands that I should have stayed out of, and eventually losing to Austin. Still, a lot of fun for 5 bucks. Tonight is a more nerdly type of cards. And I'm not sure what's going on the rest of the weekend. Sunday is the Oscars. I'm probably going to my parents for dinner, and then maybe to Tess's afterward to watch. I think Saturday, Austin and I wanted to go check out some bands at the Blowout. Weirdly, it's no longer the "Hamtramck Blowout" just the Blowout.

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