Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Monday, Monday, so good to me.

I stayed up way to late Sunday night reading this Partricia Cornwall book my mom gave me. I got to a certain point and "needed" to finish, thus leading to me going to sleep at ~5 am. Needless to say, I was very tired at work the next day.
After work,I went to Sam's Club and picked up some food, steaks and cereal and yogurt and stuff.
Since Spring is finally here, I pulled my grill out of the garage and had the first barbeque of the season. Mmmm... steak-alicious.
Then, at about 9, Coronado calls, asking if I want to go see Sin City.
It was awesome. It is literally like the pages were taken out of a comic book and put on screen. So pulp-y. So hard-boiled. So stylisticly awesomely awesome-ness. Coronado has a very enthusiastic review on his blog. As for me, as I'm neither a film critic or film student, but as a film fan, I say, it's really good.

Grade: A


Jay Anderson said...

I'm really glad you liked Sin City. I didn't care for it really. In fact, it was the first movie I ever walked out on. I've never read the graphic novel, so admittedly it just might not be "my kinda movie". I thought visually it was really unique and it had style up the wazoo. The problem was it was so violent and gory that it made me sick. Plus, I didn't really care for the story (or lack thereof at times).

Anyway, I can totally see why some people would like that movie, it just didn't do it for me personally.

Unknown said...

I fully admit that it's not a movie for everyone. If you can't handle gore and ultra-violence, it won't be your cup of tea. On the other hand, if you liked Kill Bill you probably will like it.

Pointedly Anonymous said...

I should say that it is extremely violent and gory, as I didn't say it in my review...or, at least I didn't give a warning as I did with Ichi the Killer. (But, then, Sin City doesn't need the warning Ichi does...Jay, you'd hate Ichi).

However, if you like morally disjunct pulp movies, you'd love this one. It's in the vein of the hard-boiled novels. It's hyper hard-boiled. Cool.

Jay Anderson said...

I loved Kill Bill 1&2, so I must be freaky. I'm glad ya'll like it so much tho. It was visually stunning, for sure. Very cool looking.

Pointedly Anonymous said...

Well, as my teacher put it, even in Kill Bill, you feel empathy for the characters in a Tarantino film. You're made to feel something for them. In Sin City, he argued, you didn't really care enough for the characters to be fully enveloped, especially for how graphically brutal it was. It may be that they're not fully developed enough (in the case of Clive Owen), or that they are just too brutal and rough around the edges (Marv).

I maintain that I empathized for these characters, or at least their situations/stories.

Jay, if you read this, does this hold true in your opinion (since you didn't care for the story)?

Also, one could argue that the violence in Sin City was less cartoonish than that of Kill Bill which was more choreographed to give it a distancing. Sin City was more just brutality acted out raw, and the stylization came from the B&W and the background...but since they're both enveloping as a real world, it doesn't distance the audience much at all.