Thursday, February 17, 2005

Smallville Rant

Last week's Smallville was super gay, especially with Chris "I was on the O.C." Carmack in it, and the obvious Clark man-crush on him. But this week's was just lame. Who is the producer or script supervisor or whatever that keeps allowing such lousy story ideas to come to fruition. A kryptonite-powered "SuperDog"? Lame. This week was just filler. Nothing happened that moved the season's story arc forward, and I might as well have missed the episode completely. At least Jane Seymour was less over-the-top this episode.

And next week's episode looks ridiculous, what with the Crouching Clark, Hidden Lana action. Where do Clark and Lana get the money to fly to China to chase Lex and Jason? Don't they know that getting a visa to visit China is also a pain in the ass? Why am I so annoyed by this show, but yet can't stop watching it?

Also, check out this recap of last week's episode. TWoP's Gayest Look of the Episode.

1 comment:

Jay Anderson said...

I'm laughing at myself because when you said "super gay" I thought you meant "super stupid", but now that I read about the man-crush and Clark getting a boner over the football guy I see you actually meant "man-on-man gay". Tre funny!

I need to catch up on Smallville. I think I'm like 3 episodes behind.