Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why Holly Herold should never be allowed to write for Smallville again


Last night Dan and I watch one of the worst episodes of Smallville I've ever seen. It was horrible. I hope the writer comes across this post so she can know that she sucks. I also lay blame partially on the director, but when given what there was to work with, I don't know that there was much to be done. The dialogue was bad, things were never explained, loose ends were not tied up, and Jane Seymour looked like she was trying to "ho" herself out to Lex. Hello! Just because Veronica Mars sang karaoke, does not mean that Chloe has to. And why was Lois randomly in town? It was a giant egg McGuffin! (Those of you Hitchcock fans know what I'm talking about.)

The biggest disappointment was the fact that they killed off Alicia, one of the most interesting characters to be on the show in a while. For Christ sake, at least it let Clark not moon after Lana for a week or two. And I don't understand the subplot involving Lana's boyfriend and his mom. Let it go. We care less about Lana this season than ever before.

Argh. It just pisses me off that one week we have a good episode and the next it's horrible again. The WB, please, please, make Joss Whedon or J. J. Abrams take over Smallville for the remainder of the show's run. Please. Then at least there would be something of consequence to it.

-The Geek


Jessica B. said...

Last night is the first time that I've watched Smallville in quite a while cause I usually watch Lost. I was surprised when that chick died, I thought Clark was going to do that thing where he flies really fast and turns back time but he didn't. I think I'll stick to Lost.

Jay Anderson said...

I agree. This season has been SO inconsistant. I think my favorite episode of this season was the one where Lana, Lois and Chloe became witches and got all S&M on Clark in his barn. Slutty witches and Clark with his shirt off rock!