Thursday, October 06, 2005

A long time ago, we used to be friends... / Mis-"Orientation"

Watched Veronica Mars last night. And Lost. Awesome. Or rather, Emosewa (it's a TWoP thing).

I was reading the forums at TWoP last night on Veronica Mars, and they were going crazy, much of the postings just commenting on lines, looks, VMs fashion choices, and of course there was much of the conspiracy-type talk. Interesting, but as much as a fan of the show that I am, I don't know that I could devote that much time discussing it. Maybe I'm just a fan of too many shows, and if I obsessed on only one show it'd be different.

Speaking of other shows, Lost was freakin' sweet. I knew something was up with Michelle Rodriguez's character. The Locke flashbacks were cool also. It's kind of funny that they can make his face look younger, but when you see his hands, you know he's an old guy. Kate Segal was also really good. I just about didn't recognize her even though I'd seen her name in the credits.
Sometimes suspending your disbelief is a "leap of faith" for this show.
I hope somebody else noticed the polar bears in the orientation movie. Also cool was that the scientists who founded it were U of M professors. I wonder if any of the staff for Lost went to U of M?
Anyway, very good episode.

-The Geek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please tell me you still have the episode "tivo'd". Audrey turned the vcr on, thus it did not record...