Friday, July 08, 2005

Ruffles have Canadian ridges!

So, after much research into it, it appears that Ruffles All-Dressed Chips are in fact, a Canada only flavour ("U" added to comply with strange Canadian/British extra letter conventions). FritoLay hardly even acknowledges that they have a Canadian branch. Ah, Canada, second class citizen in the snack food industry, I guess that's the reason they feel compelled to put the maple leaf in all of their signs. So you know they're Canadian, not just some knock-off of America. Must also be why there's Ketchup and Dill Pickle flavored chips there.

But back to the All-Dresed. They are so good, with an almost bar-b-que spicey tomatoey-ness but yet with enough of a vinegar bite to help offset the greasiness typical of all chips. I think I'm going to start a petition to FritoLay to get them to bring the All-Dressed chips to America.

Petition to make "All Dressed" Ruffles available in the US

Random other links from my potato chip research

some guy's chip bag collection

Gold'n Krisp, a local brand (a personal favorite from Ohio, near where my sister was born)

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