Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We Dry Hard*

Must blog on Tues...day... this morning is dragging on. Cottage was fun. My sunburn still is a bit sore. I should get more Aloe, although I did try cutting off a spear from the aloe plant I have. I smeared it on the shoulder, it smells a little funky, but it helped. The stuff from the store is just much more convenient. Much drunken fun had, the beach was nice, weather cooperated for the most part. Pictures to be posted later.

*Slogan for cement company in Tiverton. I think they must have had 14 year-old boys for their advertising team.


The Judge said...

I'm pretty sure my sunburn on the right shoulder actually goes deeper than my skin. I think my arm will fall off.


Cat said...

It seems that whenever you are out in the sun and get drunk, you always get sunburned. I think it's just that you forget how long you've been out or to use sunscreen.