Monday, December 06, 2004

Maybe the Lions don't suck...

Yesterday I went to the Lions game. My co-worker had gotten some free tickets from a supplier, and extended the offer to me. I hadn't been down to the new Fords (the s is deliberate) Field, so it was win/win. It was actually a pretty good time. The Lions actually played well, their defense was better than in a lot of other games, and I hadn't had anything to eat all day, so I got drunk pretty quickly. There were also a couple of cute girls sitting next to us, but as usual I didn't have the balls to talk to them much, other than when they would excuse themselves to go to the bathroom.
So, the Lions won the game, although we left a little early to go back to our car, but my co-worker and his buddy wanted to go over to Greektown Casino. My co-worker lost all the money he brought, I only ended up losing about 10 bucks, so, overall, not too bad for a couple hours entertainment. Totally.

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