Sunday, December 12, 2004

Weekend Update

So, lets see. Um. Friday, Dan and Chris and Austin came over and we played Dan's Xbox. Then I was hella tired from the sleep deficit of mine and went to bed early-ish (is 2am early?). On Saturday I went to Austin's folk's place for Chinese Hot Pot. I know there's some other name for it, but I can't remember it. That was very tasty. Mmmmm... hotpot. On my way to Austin's I stopped at Best Buy to get Austin a gift. And I also got me gift, an Okama Gamesphere, no, actually a Nintendo GameCube. I was hoping to get the "Bonus" set, but they had probably run out, so I still got the one with the game I wanted, MarioKart Double Dash. It's super fun. We played that a bit at Austin's after the meal, and then I went to John's where we went to work installing the hardwood floors. Mike is now tired and sore. This morning, er, afternoon, I went back over there to help again. We finished about 90% of the bedroom before calling it a night. It's pretty hard work. I'm glad I don't do that for a living. Anyway, my arms are sore and I'm going to bed.

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